糖瓜读音为 táng guā。意思是:用麦芽糖制成的瓜状食品。旧俗用做祭灶神的供品。
拼音táng guā
注音ㄊㄤˊ ㄍㄨㄚ
英语malt sugar candy, a traditional offering to the kitchen god Zaoshen 灶神
德语(engl. traditional candy made from malt sugar) (S)
- 瓜形的关东糖,旧俗用作祭日的供品。
拼音táng guā
注音ㄊㄤˊ ㄍㄨㄚ
英语malt sugar candy, a traditional offering to the kitchen god Zaoshen 灶神
德语(engl. traditional candy made from malt sugar) (S)