(utilise 的过去分词) vt. 利用, 运用, 使用
utilise的过去分词, 过去式
- If an employer has no trade union, then staff meetings would be the appropriate forum, and for some state-owned enterprises, the staff representative meeting would be utilised.
假如雇主没有工会,则员工会议是适当的协商场合,至于部分国有企业则会采用员工代表会议。 - Recent conditions have utilised GPS technology to limit maximum speeds or driving to specific regions.
最近的情况有利用GPS技术来限制最大速度或驾驶特定区域。 - It has an intangible asset-knowledge of successful business models and practices, and access to new technologies, which can be utilised as China develops its own multinational corporations.
黑石拥有宝贵的无形资产了解成功企业的模式和实践,并能够获取新技术,而中国在发展本土跨国公司的过程中可加以利用。 - The concussion and weight-bearing force of hoof are utilised for effective return of venous blood of hoof.
蹄的震动和负重力是蹄静脉血回流的一种有效力。 - Passing now to the scientific and logical side of education, we remember that here also ideas which are not utilised are positively harmful.
现在谈一下科学与逻辑教育。像我之前所说,科学与逻辑教育中也存在着惰化思想,这些不经应用的思想有害无益。 - He says it helps turn energy into sugar to be utilised by cells in the body and that it also plays a role in controlling the body clock.
他说,这有助于利用体内细胞把能量转化成糖,并且对控制人体生物钟也起作用。 - Frequency hopping is a spread-spectrum communications technique, meaning that the total available spectrum is split up into smaller sections so as to be better utilised.
频跳是传播光谱通信技术,意思被分离入更小的部分以便更好运用总可利用的光谱。 - The applications of modern advanced composite materials demand more sophisticated and precise characterisation of them so that they can be utilised most effectively in structures where they suit.
现代先进复合材料的应用需要更加复杂和精确的表征,这样可以使它们在合适的结构中得到最有效的利用。 - The most important resource misallocation in China is under-utilised labour.
中国最严峻的资源配置失衡,是劳动力利用率不高。 - He was often utilised playing on the right side of chelsea's formation or to provide the power and destructive element in the centre.