adj. 无敌的; 无双的
- eminent beyond or above comparison
- matchless beauty
- the team's nonpareil center fielder
- she's one girl in a million
- the one and only Muhammad Ali
- a peerless scholar
- infamy unmatched in the Western world
- wrote with unmatchable clarity
- unrivaled mastery of her art
- This one-of-a-kind, V10,6.8-litre, Bio-fuel powered SUV was inspired by military vehicle designs and features security appointments that are unrivaled in today's SUV marketplace.
这之一的一类,V10发动机,6.8升,生物燃料驱动的SUV的设计灵感来自军用车辆设计和功能安全的任命是在今天的SUV市场无可匹敌的。 - And became an unrivaled empire builder in the history of Rome.
并成为罗马历史上无敌帝国的缔造者。 - China's current investments could place it in an unrivaled position to take advantage of any resources on the continent in 2048.
中国目前的投资数额或能使其在2048年获得上无可比拟的优势位置,在这块大陆上占据对所有种类资源的优先权。 - Convergence you, and you have said on more than one occasion I Murong unrivaled.
你也收敛点,慕容无双我和你说过不止一次。 - But RIM has taken the strategy farther than most big players, at a crucial time for a company that practically invented the smartphone and once held unrivaled dominance over the market.
但身处关键时刻的RIM对这个策略的运用比其他多数公司都走得更远。RIM实际上可以称为是智能手机的发明者,一度在这个市场上占据不可匹敌的霸主地位。 - Hence its unrivaled significance as a means of social direction.
所以,语言作为社会指导的手段,其重要性无与伦比。 - Its syntax is unrivaled in its simplicity and, for text editing one-liners, it gives you quick ways to append or insert text without an editor.
其语法的简单性无与伦比,而且对于文本编辑单命令行程序,它还为您提供了无需编辑器即可追加或插入文本的快捷方法。 - No political party or politician, be it the one with unrivaled clout in the country or even in the world, can decide against the popular will of this multi-ethnic nation.
没有一个政党,没有一个政治家能有这样的影响力来把这两者结合起来;甚至整个世界都不能够阻挡这个多民族国家的公众意志。 - I suggest wee-mail all the affected customers and explain that we are committed to providing unrivaled service.
我认为我们该寄封电子邮件给所有受影响的客户,说明我们一定会提供独一无二的服务。 - Kit is a good group of unrivaled international study, diligently explore, innovate, never satisfied companies.