英 [ˈθriːfəʊld]
美 [ˈθriːfoʊld]
adj.& adv. <正>三倍(的); 有三部分的,三重的
BNC.19966 / COCA.24457
- Home broadband use has also risen, to 191m last year, a threefold rise from five years prior, according to research by CLSA, the brokerage.
而根据经纪公司里昂证券(CLSA)的研究,去年中国家庭宽带用户也增长到了1.91亿,是此前五年的三倍。 - The number of recipes has increased threefold since April of last year to 27,000.
另外从去年四月至今,该网站分享的菜谱数量已经达到27000份,整整增长了三倍。 - Paganism: If you send shit out into the world, it will return to you threefold.
异教:如果你在世上屙出狗屎,你就会遇到三倍的狗屎。 - He also stresses the responsibilities of managers, which he says are threefold: to achieve economic performance, to make work productive and to manage the social effects that any enterprise has on its environment.
他还强调了经理的责任问题,并认为这包含三个层面:实现经济效益,维持企业生命力,管理企业对其环境产生的社会效应。 - But its output per head is far higher in absolute terms, since US levels have themselves risen threefold.
但以绝对值计算,其人均产值则要高得多,因为美国经济自身增长了三倍。 - If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses, the answer is threefold.
如果要问虚拟证据可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。 - Second, OECD governments have experienced a threefold increase in their structural deficits, about a quarter of which is attributable to the drop in tax revenues, some of which may be permanent, for example, where they are related to financial services and housing.
其次,OECD成员国政府的结构性赤字增长了3倍,其中约四分之一源于税收收入减少。有些税收收入减少可能是永久性的,比如与金融服务和住宅相关的税收。 - Almost a fifth of American ballots are now cast by mail, a threefold increase over 30 years.
在美国,有将近五分之一的选票是通过邮寄的,这个数字在过去30年里增加了2倍。 - Within two years, the number of cab licences in Dublin had increased more than threefold.
随后不到两年,都柏林的出租车牌照数量就增加了两倍多。 - But Australians are drinking less Australian wine, while imports, especially whites from New Zealand, have been increasing threefold between 2004 and 2008.