

英 [swɪŋ]

美 [swɪŋ]

v.  (使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡; 纵身跃向; 荡向; 悬吊到; (使)弧线运动,转弯,转动
n.  摆动; 挥动; 转动; 强劲节奏; 改变; 改变的程度; 秋千

过去式:swung 现在分词:swinging 复数:swings 过去分词:swung 第三人称单数:swings 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.2479 / COCA.2453



rockv. 摇摆,摇晃
She felt sick as the waves rocked the boat from side to side.
He gently rocked his son in his arms.
swayv. 摇摆,摇晃
The branches swayed gently in the breeze.
That feeble boy swayed and fell.
swingv. 摇摆,摇荡
There is only one sign swinging in the wind.
His mother asked him not to swing his bag back and forth.


    swing by

      swing by sth

      • 进某处一会儿;短暂拜访;看望某人一下
        to visit a place or person for a short time
        1. His arms swung as he walked.
        2. A set of keys swung from her belt.
        3. As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher (= while sitting on a swing) .
        4. He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.



          swing the balanceswing the balanceswing both ways
        • 双性恋;既喜欢异性也喜欢同性
          to be bisexual (= sexually attracted to both men and women)
        • swing into action
        • 立即行动起来;马上大干起来
          to start doing sth quickly and with a lot of energy
        • swing the lead
        • 装病偷懒
          to pretend to be ill/sick when in fact you are not, especially to avoid work
        • I don't think there's anything wrong with her─she's just swinging the lead.
        • no room to swing a cat
        • 没有活动的余地;连转身都很难
          when sb says there's no room to swing a cat , they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough space


          get in/into the swing (of sth)
        • 熟悉(某种情况);融入(某种活动或环境之中)
          to get used to an activity or a situation and become fully involved in it
        • go with a swing
        • 热闹有趣;气氛热烈
          to be lively and enjoyable
        • 有强劲的节奏
          to have a strong rhythm
        • in full swing
        • 在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段
          having reached a very lively level
        • When we arrived the party was already in full swing.
        • swings and roundabouts
        • (表示无论如何决定都有利有弊)有得必有失
          used to say that there are advantages and disadvantages whatever decision you make
        • If you earn more, you pay more in tax, so it's all swings and roundabouts.



            摆动 hang and move
          • (使)摆动,摇摆,摇荡
            to move backwards or forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make sth do this
            1. His arms swung as he walked.
            2. A set of keys swung from her belt.
            3. As he pushed her, she swung higher and higher (= while sitting on a swing) .
            4. He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.
          • 纵身跃向;荡向;悬吊到
            to move from one place to another by holding sth that is fixed and pulling yourself along, up, etc.
            1. He swung himself out of the car.
            2. The gunshot sent monkeys swinging away through the trees.
          • 弧线运动 move in curve
          • (使)弧线运动,转弯,转动
            to move or make sth move with a wide curved movement
            1. A line of cars swung out of the palace gates.
            2. He swung his legs over the side of the bed.
            3. The door swung open.
            4. She swung the door open.
          • 迅速转向 turn quickly
          • (使)突然转向,突然转身
            to turn or change direction suddenly; to make sth do this
            1. The bus swung sharply to the left.
            2. He swung the camera around to face the opposite direction.
          • 试图击中 try to hit
          • (挥动某物)朝…打去
            to try to hit sb/sth
            1. She swung at me with the iron bar.
            2. He swung another punch in my direction.
          • 改变意见 / 情绪 change opinion/mood
          • (使)改变(意见、情绪等)
            to change or make sb/sth change from one opinion, mood, etc. to another
            1. The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.
            2. His emotions swung between fear and curiosity.
            3. The game could swing either way (= either side could win it) .
            4. I managed to swing them round to my point of view.
          • 做;获得 do/get sth
          • (有时略微不正当地)获得,搞到,办成
            to succeed in getting or achieving sth, sometimes in a slightly dishonest way
            1. We're trying to swing it so that we can travel on the same flight.
            2. Is there any chance of you swinging us a couple of tickets?
          • 音乐 of music
          • 有强劲的节奏;节奏感强
            to have a strong rhythm
            1. 聚会 of party
            2. 热闹;令人开心
              if a party, etc. is swinging , there are a lot of people there having a good time


                运动 movement
              • 摆动;挥动;转动;强劲节奏
                a swinging movement or rhythm
                1. He took a wild swing at the ball.
                2. the swing of her hips
              • 意见;情绪 of opinion/mood
              • 改变;改变的程度
                a change from one opinion or situation to another; the amount by which sth changes
                1. He is liable to abrupt mood swings (= for example from being very happy to being very sad) .
                2. Voting showed a 10% swing to Labour.
              • 秋千 hanging seat
              • 秋千
                a seat for swinging on, hung from above on ropes or chains
                1. The kids were playing on the swings.
              • 高尔夫球 in golf
              • 挥杆动作
                the swinging movement you make with your arms and body when you hit the ball in the game of golf
                1. I need to work on my swing.
              • 音乐 music
              • 摇摆乐(流行于20世纪30年代)
                a type of jazz with a smooth rhythm, played especially by big dance bands in the 1930s
                1. 行程 journey
                2. (尤指从政者在多处逗留的)短期快速行程
                  a quick journey, especially one made by a politician, in which sb visits several different places in a short time
                  1. a three-day campaign swing through California


                • V-ERG (使)摆动;(使)摇摆;(使)摇荡
                  If somethingswingsor if youswingit, it moves repeatedly backwards and forwards or from side to side from a fixed point.
                  1. The sail of the little boat swung crazily from one side to the other...
                  2. She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck...
                  3. Ian lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg swinging.
                  4. Swingis also a noun.
                  5. ...a woman in a tight red dress, walking with a slight swing to her hips.
                • V-ERG (使)成弧线运动;(使)转动;(使)转弯
                  If somethingswingsin a particular direction or if youswingit in that direction, it moves in that direction with a smooth, curving movement.
                  1. The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water, searching...
                  2. The canoe found the current and swung around...
                  3. Roy swung his legs carefully off the couch and sat up.
                  4. Swingis also a noun.
                  5. When he's not on the tennis court, you'll find him practising his golf swing.
                • V-ERG (使)急转弯;(使)突然转向
                  If a vehicleswingsin a particular direction, or if the driverswingsit in a particular direction, they turn suddenly in that direction.
                  1. Joanna swung back on to the main approach and headed for the airport...
                  2. The tyres dug into the grit as he swung the car off the road.
                • VERB (通常指人因受惊)急转身
                  If someoneswings around, they turn around quickly, usually because they are surprised.
                  1. She swung around to him, spilling her tea without noticing it.
                • VERB (挥动手臂等)朝…打去;朝…挥击;挥向
                  If youswing ata person or thing, you try to hit them with your arm or with something that you are holding.
                  1. Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed...
                  2. I picked up his baseball bat and swung at the man's head.
                  3. Swingis also a noun.
                  4. I often want to take a swing at someone to relieve my feelings.
                • 秋千
                  Aswingis a seat hanging by two ropes or chains from a metal frame or from the branch of a tree. You can sit on the seat and move forwards and backwards through the air.
                  1. 摇摆乐(流行于 20 世纪 30 年代的爵士舞曲)
                    Swingis a style of jazz dance music that was popular in the 1930's. It was played by big bands.
                    1. N-COUNT (意见、态度或感情的)改变;(尤指)突变,巨变
                      Aswingin people's opinions, attitudes, or feelings is a change in them, especially a sudden or big change.
                      1. There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats...
                      2. Educational practice is liable to sudden swings and changes...
                      3. Dieters suffer from violent mood swings.
                    2. VERB (意见、态度或感情)改变;(尤指)突然转变,完全改变
                      If people's opinions, attitudes, or feelingsswing, they change, especially in a sudden or extreme way.
                      1. In two years' time there is a presidential election, and the voters could swing again...
                      2. The mood amongst Tory MPs seems to be swinging away from their leader.
                    3. N-COUNT (政治家等的)巡回,巡视,巡游
                      If someone such as a politician makes aswing througha particular country or area, they go on a quick trip through it, visiting a number of different places.
                      1. ...a campaign swing through South Dakota and Texas.
                    4. PHRASE 在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段
                      If something isin full swing, it is operating fully and is no longer in its early stages.
                      1. When we returned, the party was in full swing and the dance floor was crowded...
                      2. The international rugby season is in full swing.
                    5. PHRASE 融入;完全投入;对…乐在其中
                      If youget into the swing ofsomething, you become very involved in it and enjoy what you are doing.
                      1. Everyone understood how hard it was to get back into the swing of things after such a long absence.
                    6. PHRASE 热闹有趣;气氛热烈
                      If you say that somethingis going with a swing, you mean that it is lively and exciting.
                      1. Sara Lewis' impressive recipes are guaranteed to make the party go with a swing.
                    7. 有得必有失
                      If you say that a situation isswings and roundabouts, you mean that there are as many gains as there are losses.
                      1. no room to swing a cat→ see:cat



                      • changing location by moving back and forth
                        1. a square dance figure
                          1. in baseball
                            1. he took a vicious cut at the ball
                            Synonym:baseball swingcut
                          2. the act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and (usually) hitting it
                              Synonym:golf strokegolf shot
                            1. a sweeping blow or stroke
                              1. he took a wild swing at my head
                            2. mechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and forth
                              1. a jaunty rhythm in music
                                1. a style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s
                                    Synonym:swing musicjive
                                  1. a state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity
                                    1. the party went with a swing
                                    2. it took time to get into the swing of things


                                  • alternate dramatically between high and low values
                                    1. his mood swings
                                    2. the market is swinging up and down
                                  • hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement
                                    1. The soccer player began to swing at the referee
                                  • engage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of one's friends
                                    1. There were many swinging couples in the 1960's
                                  • make a big sweeping gesture or movement
                                      Synonym:sweepswing out
                                    1. play with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythm
                                      1. move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner
                                        1. He swung back
                                      2. change direction with a swinging motion
                                        1. swing back
                                        2. swing forward
                                      3. move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting
                                        1. He swung his left fist
                                        2. swing a bat
                                      4. be a social swinger
                                          Synonym:get around
                                        1. influence decisively
                                          1. This action swung many votes over to his side
                                          Synonym:swing over
                                        2. live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style
                                          1. The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely
                                        3. hang freely
                                          1. the ornaments dangled from the tree
                                          2. The light dropped from the ceiling
                                        4. have a certain musical rhythm
                                          1. The music has to swing


                                        • There was a massive twenty per cent swing away from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats
                                        • Keeping your back straight, swing one leg backwards.
                                        • Oil prices continued an upward swing in New York this morning.
                                        • Keep the head of the club the same height throughout the swing.
                                        • She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck
                                        • The mood amongst Tory MPs seems to be swinging away from their leader.
                                        • Blanche swung at her but she moved her head back and Blanche missed
                                        • The canoe found the current and swung around
                                        • Roy swung his legs carefully off the couch and sat up.
                                        • Swing the club back until it is horizontal.