

英 [səbˈdʒektɪŋ]

美 [səbˈdʒektɪŋ]

v.  使臣服; 使顺从; (尤指)压服


    The noun and adjective are pronounced /'sʌbdʒɪkt/. The verb is pronounced /səb'dʒekt/. 名词和形容词读作 /'sʌbdʒɪkt/,动词读作 /səb'dʒekt/。

  • N-COUNT 主题;题目;话题;题材;问题
    Thesubjectof something such as a conversation, letter, or book is the thing that is being discussed or written about.
    1. It was I who first raised the subject of plastic surgery.
    2. ...the president's own views on the subject.
    3. ...steering the conversation round to his favourite subject.
  • N-COUNT (批评、学习、调查的)对象
    Someone or something that is thesubject ofcriticism, study, or an investigation is being criticized, studied, or investigated.
    1. Over the past few years, some of the positions Mr. Meredith has adopted have made him the subject of criticism...
    2. He's now the subject of an official inquiry.
  • N-COUNT (知识、研究)领域;(尤指)学科,科目,课程
    Asubjectis an area of knowledge or study, especially one that you study at school, college, or university.
    1. Surprisingly, mathematics was voted their favourite subject.
    2. ...a tutor in maths and science subjects.
  • N-COUNT 研究对象;实验对象
    In an experiment or piece of research, thesubjectis the person or animal that is being tested or studied.
    1. 'White noise' was played into the subject's ears through headphones...
    2. Subjects in the study were asked to follow a modified diet.
  • N-COUNT (艺术的)表现对象;绘画(或拍摄)题材
    An artist'ssubjectsare the people, animals, or objects that he or she paints, models, or photographs.
    1. Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks.
  • (语法中的)主语
    In grammar, thesubjectof a clause is the noun group that refers to the person or thing that is doing the action expressed by the verb. For example, in 'My cat keeps catching birds', 'my cat' is the subject.
    1. ADJ 可能受…影响的;易遭受…的
      To besubject tosomething means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it.
      1. Prices may be subject to alteration...
      2. In addition, interest on Treasury issues isn't subject to state and local income taxes.
      3. ...a disorder in which the person's mood is subject to wild swings from mania to depression.
    2. ADJ 受…支配的;服从于…的
      If someone issubject toa particular set of rules or laws, they have to obey those rules or laws.
      1. The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.
      2. ...arguing that as a sovereign state it could not be subject to another country's laws.
    3. VERB 使经受;使遭受
      If yousubjectsomeonetosomething unpleasant, you make them experience it.
      1. ...the man who had subjected her to four years of beatings and abuse...
        使她遭受了 4 年毒打和辱骂的男人
      2. Innocent civilians are being arrested and subjected to inhumane treatment.
    4. N-COUNT (通常指君主制国家的)国民,臣民
      The people who live in or belong to a particular country, usually one ruled by a monarch, are thesubjectsof that monarch or country.
      1. ...his subjects regarded him as a great and wise monarch...
      2. Roughly half of them are British subjects.
    5. ADJ 臣服的;受他国统治的
      Subjectpeoples and countries are ruled or controlled by the government of another country.
      1. The subject peoples of her empire were anxious for their own independence.
      2. ...colonies and other subject territories.
    6. PHRASE (通常因为谈论的话题令人尴尬而)转换话题
      When someone involved in a conversationchanges the subject, they start talking about something else, often because the previous subject was embarrassing.
      1. He tried to change the subject, but she wasn't to be put off.
    7. PREP-PHRASE 取决于;视…而定
      If an event will take placesubject toa condition, it will take place only if that thing happens.
      1. They denied a report that Egypt had agreed to a summit, subject to certain conditions.


    • In the study, the scientists adjusted the normal cycle of light and dark that the pregnant mice were accustomed to for half of the mice, subjecting them to a mild level of stress.
    • He is also famous for subjecting players to hair dryer tirades.
    • Such banks can better generate economically appropriate value and profits by making and monitoring loans, and by providing liquidity, while subjecting the economy to fewer unnecessary risks and costs.
    • It has drafted a law that would ban public nudity, subjecting offenders to a$ 160 fine.
    • The act of subjecting someone to an influencing experience. aiding the cause or policy or interests of.
    • Thermal distortions of phase change cooled mirrors with different materials and structures are demonstrated subjecting to radiations of high power laser.
    • But several of her colleagues appeared to agree with Boutrous that even subjecting Wal-Mart to a trial would be unfair.
    • Prepared or converted from a natural state by subjecting to a special process.
    • Such a method is different from the oral route, often seen as subjecting drugs to the erosive effects of digestive fluids.
    • Review CRU's policies and practices for acquiring, assembling, subjecting to peer review and disseminating data and research findings.