

英 [strɪps]

美 [strɪps]

v.  脱光衣服; 脱掉大部分衣服; 扒光…的衣服; 进行脱衣表演; 表演脱衣舞; 除去,剥去(一层); (尤指)剥光
n.  (纸、金属、织物等)条,带; (陆地、海域等)狭长地带; 带状水域; 队服


  • N-COUNT (纸、布、食物等的)条,带
    Astrip ofsomething such as paper, cloth, or food is a long, narrow piece of it.
    1. ...a new kind of manufactured wood made by pressing strips of wood together and baking them...
    2. The simplest rag-rugs are made with strips of fabric plaited together...
    3. Serve dish with strips of fresh raw vegetables.
  • N-COUNT 狭长区域;带状(陆地、水域)
    Astrip ofland or water is a long narrow area of it.
    1. The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.
    2. ...a short boat ride across a narrow strip of water.
  • N-COUNT 商业街
    Astripis a long street in a city or town, where there are a lot of stores, restaurants, and hotels.
    1. ...Goff's Charcoal Hamburgers on Lover's Lane, a busy commercial strip in North Dallas.
  • VERB 脱衣服
    If youstrip, you take off your clothes.
    1. They stripped completely, and lay in the damp grass...
    2. Women residents stripped naked in protest.
    3. Strip offmeans the same asstrip.
      strip off 同 strip
    4. The children were brazenly stripping off and leaping into the sea.
  • See also:One prisoner claimed he'd been dragged to a cell, stripped and beaten.strip-search
  • VERB 除去;剥去
    Tostripsomething means to remove everything that covers it.
    1. After Mike left for work I stripped the beds and vacuumed the carpets...
    2. The floorboards in both this room and the dining room have been stripped, sanded and sealed.
  • VERB 拆卸,拆开(引擎或设备)
    If youstripan engine or a piece of equipment, you take it to pieces so that it can be cleaned or repaired.
    1. Volvo's three-man team stripped the car and restored it.
      沃尔沃公司的 3 人小组将车拆开进行了维修。
    2. Strip downmeans the same asstrip.
      strip down 同 strip
    3. In five years I had to strip the water pump down four times...
      5 年来我不得不将水泵拆开了 4 次。
    4. I stripped down the two SU carburettors, cleaned and polished the pieces and rebuilt the units.
  • VERB 剥夺,褫夺(财产、权利、头衔)
    Tostripsomeoneoftheir property, rights, or titles means to take those things away from them.
    1. The soldiers have stripped the civilians of their passports, and every other type of document...
    2. A senior official was stripped of all his privileges for publicly criticising his employer.
  • N-COUNT 连环漫画
    In a newspaper or magazine, astripis a series of drawings which tell a story. The words spoken by the characters are often written on the drawings.
    1. ...the Doonesbury strip.
  • See also:landing strip
  • PHRASE 怒斥;痛骂;把…骂得狗血淋头
    If youtear a strip offsomeone or if youtearthemoff a strip, you speak to them angrily and criticize them severely.
    1. He heard Nora tearing a strip off an orderly for not returning the food bins to the kitchen soon enough...
    2. When the police arrived to tear him off a strip he apologised for all the trouble he'd caused them.


  • There are visible strips where the belt leather has fully made contact with the flesh of your bum.
  • The sealing strip holders with inserted sealing strips are screwed to the suction box.
  • Breakthrough converts light into energy from plastic strips of film coated with titanium dioxide and light-absorbing dye.
  • Strips of wood are bonded together and moulded by machine.
  • The metal contact strips were cut from a tin can and nailed on with small nails.
  • You can even crochet with strips of plastic shopping bags!
  • This strips the vein out of the leaf and prepares it for storage.
  • Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins.
  • He compared the yield of solid plantings of corn and soybeans with alternating strips of the two crops.
  • Small to medium-sized tree of Australia and Tasmania having smooth white to light-grey bark shedding in patches or strips.