

英 [stɑːt]

美 [stɑːrt]

v.  开始,着手,动手(做或使用); (使)发生,开始进行; 开动; 发动; 启动
n.  开头; 开端; 开始; 起始优势; 良好的基础条件

过去式:started 过去分词:started 第三人称单数:starts 现在分词:starting 复数:starts 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.5 / BNC.205 / COCA.173



startv. 开始
The yacht will start its maiden voyage next week.
They were starting to skate.
Wet the clay a bit more before you start to mould it.
beginv. 开始
最常用词,指为某一过程或进程开个头,常可与 start 换用。
They began/started to work.
The class began/started with a story.
When did you begin/start learning Japanese?
commencev. 〈正式〉开始,着手
When will the opening ceremony commence?
They'll commence building next week.
Further negotiations on services will commence in 2012.


start off
1. 第一份工作是…  2. 从…开始;从…着手  3. 使(某人)开始(做某事)  4. 使开始  

start on
1. 开始做(需要做的事)  

start out
1. 起初是…  2. 从…开始;从…着手  

start over
1. 重新开始;从头再来  

start up
1. 开办;创办  2. 使(发动机、汽车、机器等)开动,发动  3. (喜剧演员)单人表演的  4. 单人滑稽表演;单口相声  5. (争吵、打斗)激烈的  


    start back

    • 动身(或起程)返回
      to begin to return somewhere

      start off

      • 开始活动;动身
        to begin to move
        1. 进行(或开展)起来
          to begin happening; to begin doing sth
          1. When does the class start?
          2. Have you any idea where the rumour started?
          3. Who started the fire?
          4. Do you start the day with a good breakfast?
          5. You're always trying to start an argument.
          6. The news started me thinking.
        2. 首先进行;一开始是
          to begin by doing or being sth

          start sb off (on sth)

          • 使开始(做某事)
            to make sb begin doing sth
            1. 帮助某人开始(某事)
              to help sb begin doing sth
              1. There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area.
              2. They decided to start a catering business.

            start on sb

            • (使用暴力或言语)向某人发起攻击
              to attack sb physically or with words
              1. What time are we starting tomorrow?

            start on at sb (about sth)

              start on (at sb) about sth

              • 开始责备(某人);开始抱怨(某事)
                to begin to complain about sth or criticize sb

                start out

                • 开始从事,着手(某工作);从业
                  to begin to do sth, especially in business or work
                  1. The trail starts just outside the town.
                  2. Hotel prices start at €50 a night for a double room.
                  3. The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up.
                • 最初想要;起先打算
                  to have a particular intention when you begin sth

                  start over

                  • 重新开始
                    to begin again

                    start up

                      start sth↔up

                      • (使)启动,发动,开始
                        to begin working, happening, etc.; to make sth do this
                        1. I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.
                        2. I want to make an early start in the morning.
                        3. She's moving abroad to make a fresh start (= to begin a new life) .



                          don't (you) start
                        • (制止某人抱怨或挑剔)别抱怨,别挑剔
                          used to tell sb not to complain or be critical
                        • Don't start! I told you I'd be late.
                        • get started
                        • (使)开始;着手;动手
                          to begin doing sth
                        • It's nearly ten o'clock. Let's get started.
                        • you, he, she, etc. started it
                        • 是你(或他、她等)挑起来的
                          you, he, she, etc. began a fight or an argument
                        • ‘Stop fighting, you two!’ ‘He started it!’
                        • start something
                        • 制造麻烦;惹是生非
                          to cause trouble
                        • to start with
                        • (给出首要理由)首先,第一
                          used when you are giving the first and most important reason for sth
                        • To start with it's much too expensive…
                        • 起初;开始时
                          at the beginning
                        • The club had only six members to start with.
                        • I'll have melon to start with.
                        • She wasn't keen on the idea to start with.
                        • alarm bells ring/start ringing
                        • 警钟敲响;发出危险信号
                          if you say that alarm bells are ringing , you mean that people are starting to feel worried and suspicious
                        • get/set/start/keep the ball rolling
                        • 开始某事;继续某事
                          to make sth start happening; to make sure that sth continues to happen
                        • get/start off on the right/wrong foot (with sb)
                        • 开始时关系良好 / 不好
                          to start a relationship well/badly
                        • I seem to have got off on the wrong foot with the new boss.


                          for a start
                        • (强调一系列理由、意见等的第一条)首先
                          used to emphasize the first of a list of reasons, opinions, etc.
                        • I'm not working there─for a start, it's too far to travel.
                        • by/in fits and starts
                        • 间歇地;一阵一阵地
                          frequently starting and stopping again; not continuously
                        • Because of other commitments I can only write my book in fits and starts.
                        • get off to a flying startget off to a flyer
                        • 有很好的开端;有良好的起步;开门红
                          to make a very good start; to begin sth well



                            做事 doing sth
                          • 开始,着手,动手(做或使用)
                            to begin doing or using sth
                            1. I start work at nine.
                            2. He's just started a new job.
                            3. I only started (= began to read) this book yesterday.
                            4. We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee.
                            5. The kids start school next week.
                            6. It started to rain.
                            7. Mistakes were starting to creep in.
                            8. She started laughing.
                            9. It's a long story. Where shall I start?
                            10. It's time you started on your homework.
                            11. Let's start by reviewing what we did last week.
                            12. Can you start (= a new job) on Monday?
                            13. The best professional musicians start young .
                          • 发生 happening
                          • (使)发生,开始进行
                            to start happening; to make sth start happening
                            1. When does the class start?
                            2. Have you any idea where the rumour started?
                            3. Who started the fire?
                            4. Do you start the day with a good breakfast?
                            5. You're always trying to start an argument.
                            6. The news started me thinking.
                          • 机器;车辆 machine/vehicle
                          • 开动;发动;启动
                            when you start a machine or a vehicle or it starts , it begins to operate
                            1. Start the engines!
                            2. I can't get the car started.
                            3. The car won't start.
                          • 存在 existing
                          • (使)出现;发起;创办;开办
                            to begin to exist; to make sth begin to exist
                            1. There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area.
                            2. They decided to start a catering business.
                          • 旅行 journey
                          • 出发;动身;起程
                            to begin a journey; to leave
                            1. What time are we starting tomorrow?
                          • 走 going/walking
                          • 起身走向;奔向…而去
                            to begin to move in a particular direction
                            1. I started after her (= began to follow her) to tell her the news.
                            2. He started for the door, but I blocked his way.
                          • 方式;地方;层次 in particular way/from place/level
                          • 以…起步(或起家);起初是
                            to begin, or to begin sth such as a career, in a particular way that changed later
                            1. She started as a secretary but ended up running the department.
                            2. The company started out with 30 employees.
                            3. He started life as a teacher before turning to journalism.
                          • (从…)开始;(由…)起
                            to begin from a particular place, amount or situation
                            1. The trail starts just outside the town.
                            2. Hotel prices start at €50 a night for a double room.
                            3. The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up.
                          • 突然一动 move suddenly
                          • 突然一惊
                            to move suddenly and quickly because you are surprised or afraid
                            1. The sudden noise made her start.


                            开始 beginning
                          • 开头;开端
                            the point at which sth begins
                            1. a perfect start to the day
                            2. Things didn't look too hopeful at the start of the year.
                            3. The meeting got off to a good/bad start (= started well/badly) .
                              会议有了一个良好的 / 糟糕的开端。
                            4. The trip was a disaster from start to finish .
                            5. We've had problems (right) from the start .
                            6. This could be the start of something big.
                          • 开始
                            the act or process of beginning sth
                            1. I'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls.
                            2. I want to make an early start in the morning.
                            3. She's moving abroad to make a fresh start (= to begin a new life) .
                          • 机会 opportunity
                          • 起始优势;良好的基础条件
                            the opportunity that you are given to begin sth in a successful way
                            1. They worked hard to give their children a good start in life .
                            2. The job gave him his start in journalism.
                          • 比赛 in race
                          • 起点
                            the place where a race begins
                            1. The runners lined up at the start.
                          • 起跑的提前量(时间或距离)
                            an amount of time or distance that sb has as an advantage over other people at the beginning of a race
                            1. She went into the second round with a five-minute start on the rest of the cyclists.
                            2. I gave the younger children a start.
                          • (参加的)比赛
                            a race or competition that sb has taken part in
                            1. She has been beaten only once in six starts.
                          • 突然一动 sudden movement
                          • 突然一惊
                            an act of moving your body quickly and suddenly because you are surprised, afraid, etc.
                            1. She woke from the dream with a start .
                            2. You gave me quite a start!


                          • VERB 开始(做某事)
                            If youstart todo something, you do something that you were not doing before and you continue doing it.
                            1. John then unlocked the front door and I started to follow him up the stairs...
                            2. It was 1956 when Susanna started the work on the garden...
                              苏珊娜是从 1956 年开始修建这个花园的。
                            3. She started cleaning the kitchen.
                            4. Startis also a noun.
                            5. After several starts, she read the report properly.
                          • V-ERG (使)开始;(使)发生
                            When somethingstarts, or if someonestartsit, it takes place from a particular time.
                            1. The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room...
                            2. The Great War started in August of that year...
                              第一次世界大战于那年 8 月爆发。
                            3. Trains start at 11.00 and an hourly service will operate until 16.00...
                              火车 11 点开始发出,每小时一班,一直运营到 16 点。
                            4. All of the passengers started the day with a swim.
                            5. Startis also a noun.
                            6. ...1918, four years after the start of the Great War...
                              1918 年,第一次世界大战爆发4年后
                            7. She demanded to know why she had not been told from the start.
                          • VERB (从…)开始;(从…)着手
                            If youstart bydoing something, or if youstart withsomething, you do that thing first in a series of actions.
                            1. I started by asking how many day-care centers were located in the United States...
                            2. He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida.
                          • VERB 第一份工作是…
                            You usestartto say what someone's first job was. For example, if their first job was that of a factory worker, you can say that theystarted asa factory worker.
                            1. Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory...
                            2. Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947.
                              格雷斯·罗伯逊于 1947 年参加工作,做了《图片邮报》杂志的一名摄影师。
                            3. Start offmeans the same asstart.
                              start off 同 start
                            4. Mr. Dambar had started off as an assistant to Mrs. Spear's husband.
                          • See also:George Granger has started a health centre and I know he's looking for qualified staff...Now is probably as good a time as any to start a business.Start upmeans the same asstart.The cost of starting up a day care center for children ranges from $150,000 to $300,000...He said what a good idea it would be to start a community magazine up.start-up
                          • V-ERG 开动,发动(发动机、汽车、机器等)
                            If youstartan engine, car, or machine, or if itstarts, it begins to work.
                            1. He started the car, which hummed smoothly...
                            2. We were just passing one of the parking bays when a car's engine started.
                            3. Start upmeans the same asstart.
                              start up 同 start
                            4. He waited until they went inside the building before starting up the car and driving off...
                            5. Put the key in the ignition and turn it to start the car up...
                            6. The engine of the seaplane started up.
                          • Start,begin, andcommenceall have a similar meaning, althoughcommenceis more formal and is not normally used in conversation.The meeting is ready to begin... He tore the list up and started a fresh one... The space probe commenced taking a series of photographs.Note thatbegin,start, andcommencecan all be followed by an -ing form or a noun, but onlybeginandstartcan be followed by a 'to' infinitive.
                            start,begin和 commence 意思相近,但 commence 较正式,通常不会用在对话中,如:The meeting is ready to begin (会议就要开始了),He tore the list up and started a fresh one (他把清单撕碎,开始另列一张),The space probe commenced taking a series of photographs (空间探测器开始拍摄一系列照片)。要注意,begin,start 和 commence 后面都可以跟 -ing 形式或名词,但只有 begin 和 start 后面才能跟带 to 的不定式。

                          • VERB 惊起;吓一跳;激灵
                            If youstart, your body suddenly moves slightly as a result of surprise or fear.
                            1. She put the bottle on the table, banging it down hard. He started at the sound...
                            2. Rachel started forward on the sofa. — 'You mean you've arrested Pete?'
                            3. Startis also a noun.
                            4. Sylvia woke with a start...
                            5. He gave a start of surprise and astonishment.
                          • See also:head startfalse start
                          • PHRASE 首先;第一
                            You usefor a startorto start withto introduce the first of a number of things or reasons that you want to mention or could mention.
                            1. You must get her name and address, and that can be a problem for a start...
                            2. It comes as a surprise to be reminded that he is 70. For a start, he doesn't look it...
                              有人提醒我他 70 岁了,这很令人惊讶。首先,他看上去不像。
                            3. To start with, where and when did it happen?
                          • PHRASE 开局顺利/开局不顺
                            If youget off to a good start, you are successful in the early stages of doing something. If youget off to a bad start, you are not successful in the early stages of doing something.
                            1. The new Prime Minister has got off to a good start, but he still has to demonstrate what manner of leader he is going to be...
                            2. England got off to a bad start in the Five Nations' Championship, losing 35-10 to France.
                              英格兰队在五国锦标赛中开局不利,以 10 比 35 输给了法国队。
                          • PHRASE (事情、过程等)开始时,一开始
                            To start withmeans at the very first stage of an event or process.
                            1. To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now...
                            2. Success was assured and, at least to start with, the system operated smoothly.
                          • in fits and starts→ see:fit



                          • the act of starting something
                            1. he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations
                          • a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning)
                            1. he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital
                            2. his starting meant that the coach thought he was one of their best linemen
                          • a sudden involuntary movement
                            1. he awoke with a start
                          • the advantage gained by beginning early (as in a race)
                            1. with an hour's start he will be hard to catch
                            Synonym:head start
                          • a signal to begin (as in a race)
                            1. the starting signal was a green light
                            2. the runners awaited the start
                            Synonym:starting signal
                          • the beginning of anything
                            1. it was off to a good start
                          • a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game
                              Synonym:starting linescratchscratch line
                            1. the time at which something is supposed to begin
                              1. they got an early start
                              2. she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her
                              Synonym:beginningcommencementfirstoutsetget-gokickoffstarting timeshowtimeoffset


                            • take the first step or steps in carrying out an action
                              1. We began working at dawn
                              2. Who will start?
                              3. Get working as soon as the sun rises!
                              4. The first tourists began to arrive in Cambodia
                              5. He began early in the day
                              6. Let's get down to work now
                              Synonym:get downbegingetstart outset aboutset outcommence
                            • set in motion, cause to start
                              1. The U.S. started a war in the Middle East
                              2. The Iraqis began hostilities
                              3. begin a new chapter in your life
                              Synonym:beginlead offcommence
                            • play in the starting lineup
                              1. bring into being
                                1. He initiated a new program
                                2. Start a foundation
                              2. get off the ground
                                1. Who started this company?
                                2. We embarked on an exciting enterprise
                                3. I start my day with a good breakfast
                                4. We began the new semester
                                5. The afternoon session begins at 4 PM
                                6. The blood shed started when the partisans launched a surprise attack
                                Synonym:start upembark oncommence
                              3. get going or set in motion
                                1. We simply could not start the engine
                                2. start up the computer
                                Synonym:start up
                              4. begin or set in motion
                                1. I start at eight in the morning
                                2. Ready, set, go!
                                Synonym:goget going
                              5. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
                                1. She startled when I walked into the room
                              6. leave
                                1. The family took off for Florida
                                Synonym:departpartstart outset forthset offset outtake off
                              7. bulge outward
                                1. His eyes popped
                                Synonym:protrudepoppop outbulgebulge outbug outcome out
                              8. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
                                1. Take up a position
                                2. start a new job
                                Synonym:take up
                              9. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
                                1. begin a cigar
                                2. She started the soup while it was still hot
                                3. We started physics in 10th grade
                              10. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
                                1. The DMZ begins right over the hill
                                2. The second movement begins after the Allegro
                                3. Prices for these homes start at $250,000
                              11. have a beginning characterized in some specified way
                                1. The novel begins with a murder
                                2. My property begins with the three maple trees
                                3. Her day begins with a workout
                                4. The semester begins with a convocation ceremony


                              • She put the bottle on the table, banging it down hard. He started at the sound
                              • Grace Robertson started as a photographer with Picture Post in 1947.
                              • To start with, the pressure on her was very heavy, but it's eased off a bit now
                              • We'll start another summer vacation when July comes.
                              • We were just passing one of the parking bays when a car's engine started.
                              • We can start living a normal life again now.
                              • He started with a good holiday in Key West, Florida.
                              • The Great War started in August of that year
                              • The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room
                              • It comes as a surprise to be reminded that he is 70. For a start, he doesn't look it