英 [rʊks]
美 [rʊks]
n. 秃鼻乌鸦
- 秃鼻乌鸦
Arookis a large black bird. Rooks are members of the crow family. - (国际象棋中的)车
In chess, arookis one of the chess pieces which stand in the corners of the board at the beginning of a game. Rooks can move forwards, backwards, or sideways, but not diagonally.
- Moonset, rooks caw, frost fills the sky,| maples and fishing lights, and sorrow before my bed.
月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。(张继《枫桥夜泊》) - They have higher Cl and P contents and lower F and B contents with higher fo_2. The transformation-type granites are more acidic rooks.
改造型花岗岩常为偏酸性岩石;fo2、氯和磷含量较低; - Determing chlorine, bromine, iodine in the samples of rooks, soil, stream sediments using the ion exchange chromatography method
离子色谱法测定岩石、土壤、水系沉积物等样品中的氯、溴、碘 - So are both your rooks.
两个车不在了。 - The fact that you tell me I have no rooks means little in actuality, as I need only glance downward at the board to see them darting about with cunning and vigor.
你告诉我没有车这一事实在现实中意义不大,因为我只需往下扫一眼棋盘,就能看到我的车正灵巧而且生龙活虎地冲杀呢。 - In the third section, we give a proof of an equidistribution result on the set of permutations that correspond to arrangements of n non-attacking rooks on a Ferrers board with n rows and n columns.
在第三节中,我们证明了带限制的排列上的一个等分布结论,这对应于在n行n列的Ferrers板上放置n个互不攻击的车。 - Though the source rooks of the two evolution stages were the same, the formation conditions of the reservoirs were different.
这两个阶段具有相同的源岩和不同的成藏条件。 - Hark the little lambs are bleating, and the cawing rooks are meeting in the elms a noisy crowd;
听,羊羔咩咩地细声叫喊,鸟儿们群栖在榆树之颠,他们是一伙喧闹的家伙; - The rooks too were keeping one of their annual festivities;
远处,白嘴鸦正在举行它们一年一度的节日; - A breeding ground for gregarious birds ( such as rooks).