英 [əˈprəʊbriəm]
美 [əˈproʊbriəm]
n. (众人的)谴责,责难,抨击
BNC.34551 / COCA.29365
- (众人的)谴责,责难,抨击
severe criticism of a person, country, etc. by a large group of people
- N-UNCOUNT (公开的)谴责,责难,抨击
Opprobriumis open criticism or disapproval of something that someone has done.- His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left.
他的政治观点遭到左派的抨击。 - ...public opprobrium.
- His political opinions have attracted the opprobrium of the Left.
- If a financial curtain imposed by creditors descends on Europe, Germans will pay a high price of political and historical opprobrium.
一旦债权国的财政壁垒在欧洲筑起,政治与历史的双重指责将令德国付出高昂代价。 - Some see British papers 'reluctance to run the Kate photos as a sign the country's once-rambunctious tabloids have been cowed by a scandal over phone hacking and other wrongdoing, which brought public opprobrium and an ongoing media-ethics inquiry.
一些人认为,英国报纸不愿刊登凯特的照片,可以看出英国一度难以掌控的八卦小报受到了电话窃听丑闻和其他丑闻的影响,这些丑闻导致了公众对媒体的责骂,以及持续进行的媒体道德质询。 - Lord Jones, former trade minister, says that while some bankers deserve the opprobrium, "at some point we really have to call time on this".
前贸易部长琼斯勋爵(lordjones)表示,虽然有些银行家应该受到责备,但“在某个时候,我们的确必须叫停这种行为”。 - No, social opprobrium is far more effective.
不,社会的责难要有效得多。 - You acted puite correctly, and no opprobrium attaches to you for what you did.
你做得很对,你所做的没有给你招致骂名。 - The scale of China's supplies of wheat, flour and coarse grains highlights the sensitive issue of Beijing's support for a Pyongyang regime whose recent missile test launches have drawn international opprobrium.
中国如此大规模的小麦、面粉和粗粮援助,突现北京支持平壤政权这一敏感问题。最近,朝鲜进行多次导弹试射,引发国际社会的谴责。 - If an American president tried to override them in peace out of choice, he would face dissent at home and opprobrium abroad.
如果一位美国总统试图和平时期就在这上面动脑筋,他必定面临国内外巨大的异议和讨伐。 - Little wonder that young entrepreneurs often think of 'shareholder value' as a term of opprobrium.
无怪乎年轻的企业家们会对“股东价值”这个词深恶痛绝。 - North Korea earned international opprobrium and unprecedented criticism from Beijing last month by conducting a nuclear test on the heels of a long-range missile in April.
继4月份发射一枚远程导弹后,朝鲜上月进行了一次核试验,由此在国际上获得恶名,中国也前所未有地对其予以批评。 - These measures, the Israeli government believes, may stem the wave of international opprobrium that swept over the Jewish state following the ship incident, in which nine Turkish civilians died.