英 [ˈɒfprɪnt]
美 [ˈɔːfprɪnt]
n. (报纸、杂志等文章的)单行本
- (报纸、杂志等文章的)单行本
a separate printed copy of an article that first appeared as part of a newspaper, magazine, etc.
- a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication
- One essential feature of the novels was that most of them were published in newspapers and magazines before published as offprint.
这些小说不同于以往的一个重要特点,就是多数作品都曾在报刊杂志上发表&多是先在报刊上连载,然后再出版单行本。 - Offprints Regardless of the need to make corrections, please print out, complete and sign the enclosed Offprint Order Form and return it with your proofs to the address ( or fax) given below.
抽印本(选印本)不需要进行校正,请印出来,完成后标出附上的选印订货单随着您的校对稿一起按照下面给出的地址(或传真)回复。 - I have bought one Teacher Wang several long short stories offprint afterwards", have been second of the inside float out sea surface ".
我后来买了一本王老师几个中篇小说的单行本,《浮出海面》是里面的第二篇。 - This print section offprint published the working report of the leader's speech and general manager, in order to offer everybody study.
本刊节选刊登了领导的讲话和总经理的工作报告,以供大家学习。 - Novel Monthly first started in January 1980, known as the earliest literary offprint started in China, has the broadest mass base and social acceptance.