

英 [ˈletɪŋ]

美 [ˈletɪŋ]

n.  (房屋或其他财产的)出租期限
v.  允许; 让; 准许; 许可; 同意; 允许(去某处)

复数:lettings 现在分词:letting 


BNC.15594 / COCA.28720



    • (房屋或其他财产的)出租期限
      a period of time when you let a house or other property to sb else
      1. holiday lettings


      The form let is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. let的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

    • VERB 允许,任由,让(某事发生)
      If youletsomething happen, you allow it to happen without doing anything to stop or prevent it.
      1. People said we were interfering with nature, and that we should just let the animals die...
      2. Thorne let him talk...
      3. She let the door slam...
      4. I can't let myself be distracted by those things.
    • VERB 允许,准许,同意(某人做某事)
      If youletsomeone do something, you give them your permission to do it.
      1. I love sweets but Mum doesn't let me have them very often...
      2. The Americans won't let her leave the country...
      3. Visa or no visa, they won't let you into the country.
    • VERB (开门、让路等)允许(…进、出或通过)
      If youletsomeone into, out of, or through a place, you allow them to enter, leave, or go through it, for example by opening a door or making room for them.
      1. I had to get up at seven o'clock this morning to let them into the building because they had lost their keys...
      2. I let myself into the flat...
      3. I'd better go and let the dog out...
      4. The guards were removing a section of fencing to let it through.
    • VERB (用于引出要说的话)让我,我来
      You uselet mewhen you are introducing something you want to say.
      1. Let me say it again. I despised Wade's life...
      2. Let me tell you what I saw last night...
      3. Let me explain why...
      4. Let me give you one quick example.
    • VERB (用于礼貌地表示愿意提供帮助)让我,我来
      You uselet mewhen you are offering politely to do something.
      1. Let me take your coat...
      2. Let me get you something to drink.
    • VERB (用于将他人的注意力引向下面的话题)让我们
      You saylet'sor, in more formal English,let us, to direct the attention of the people you are talking to towards the subject that you want to consider next.
      1. Let's consider ways of making it easier...
      2. Let us look at these views in more detail.
    • VERB (用于提出建议或表示赞同)让我们
      You saylet'sor, in formal English,let us, when you are making a suggestion that involves both you and the person you are talking to, or when you are agreeing to a suggestion of this kind.
      1. I'm bored. Let's go home...
      2. 'Shall we go in and have some supper?' — 'Yes, let's.'
    • VERB (用于委婉地发出指令)让我们
      Someone in authority, such as a teacher, can uselet'sor, in more formal English,let us, in order to give a polite instruction to another person or group of people.
      1. Let's have some hush, please...
      2. 'Let us pray,' said the Methodist chaplain.
    • VERB (表示犹豫或思考)让我看看/让我想想
      People often useletin expressions such aslet me seeorlet me thinkwhen they are hesitating or thinking of what to say next.
      1. Now, let's see. Where did I leave my bag?...
      2. 'How long you been living together then?' — 'Erm, let me think. It's about four years now.'
    • VERB (表示不关心)任由,让,随
      You can useletto say that you do not care if someone does something, although you think it is unpleasant or wrong.
      1. If he wants to do that, let him do it...
      2. Let them talk about me; I'll be dead, anyway...
      3. 'She'll kill you.' — 'Let her try.'
    • VERB (表示认为某人应该做某事)让
      You can useletwhen you are saying what you think someone should do, usually when they are behaving in a way that you think is unreasonable or wrong.
      1. Let him get his own cup of tea...
      2. If they value these data, let them pay for them.
    • VERB (表示祈祷或盼望)让
      You can useletwhen you are praying or hoping very much that something will happen.
      1. Please God, let him telephone me.
    • VERB 假设;假定;如果
      You can useletto introduce an assumption on which you are going to base a theory, calculation, or story.
      1. Let x equal 5 and y equal 3...
      2. The new man in my life (let's call him Dave) had a very jealous ex-girlfriend.
    • VERB 出租(房屋、土地等)
      If youletyour house or landtosomeone, you allow them to use it in exchange for money that they pay you regularly.
      1. She is thinking of letting her house to an American serviceman...
      2. The reasons for letting a house, or part of one, are varied.
      3. Let outmeans the same aslet.
        let out同let
      4. I couldn't sell the London flat, so I let it out to pay the mortgage...
      5. Home owners who have extra space available may want to let out a room.
    • in AM, use 美国英语用 rent

      Do not confuselet,rent, andhire. You can say that yourenta house or room to someone when they pay you money to live there.We rented our house to an American professor.You can also say that youleta house or room to someone.They were letting a room to a school teacher.In British English, if you pay a sum of money to use something for a short time, you say that youhireit. In American English, it is more common to say that yourentit.He was unable to hire another car... He rented a car for the weekend.If you make a series of payments to use something for a long time, you say that yourentit....the apartment he had rented... He rented a TV.
      不要混淆let,rent和hire。出租房屋以收取租金用 rent,如:We rented our house to an American professor(我们把房子租给了一个美国教授)。出租房屋亦可用let,如:They were letting a room to a school teacher(他们把一间房租给了一个学校老师)。在英国英语中,短期租用物品用hire,在美国英语中则更常用rent,例如:He was unable to hire another car(他雇不到别的车),He rented a car for the weekend(他租了辆车周末用)。采用分期付款的方式长期租用物品用rent,如:the apartment he had rented(他租下的公寓),He rented a TV(他租了一台电视机)。

    • (网球或羽毛球发球时的)擦网球,触网重发
      In tennis or badminton, if you serve alet, the ball or shuttlecock touches the net but lands in the correct part of the court. You then serve again.
      1. PHR-CONJ-COORD (通常用在否定句后)遑论,更别提,更不用说
        Let aloneis used after a statement, usually a negative one, to indicate that the statement is even more true of the person, thing, or situation that you are going to mention next.
        1. It is incredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.
      2. PHRASE 不打扰;不干涉
        Toletsomeonebemeans to leave them alone and not interfere in what they are doing.
        1. If your child is really sick and needs sleep and quiet, let him be.
      3. PHRASE 松开;放开
        If youlet go ofsomeone or something, you stop holding them.
        1. She let go of Mona's hand and took a sip of her drink...
        2. She held the photos with the determined grip of a small child and wouldn't let go.
      4. PHRASE 放弃,舍弃(感情、态度、控制权)
        If youlet go ofa feeling, attitude, or the control that you have over something, you accept that you should give it up or that it should no longer influence you.
        1. In therapy, she began to let go of her obsession with Mike...
        2. The work should focus on helping parents to let go of their children.
      5. PHRASE 放走;释放;让…逃走
        If youletsomeone or somethinggo, you allow them to leave or escape.
        1. They held him for three hours and they let him go...
        2. I'm quite happy really to net a fish and then let it go.
      6. PHRASE 解雇;解聘;让…离职
        When someone leaves a job, either because they are told to or because they want to, the employer sometimes says that they arelettingthat persongo.
        1. I've assured him I have no plans to let him go...
        2. Peterson was let go after less than two years.
      7. PHRASE 不予理会;不予追究
        If someone says or does something that you think is annoying or stupid and youlet it go, you do not react to it or say anything about it.
        1. Let it go, he thought. He didn't feel like arguing.
      8. PHRASE 放松;随心所欲
        If youlet yourself go, you relax and behave much more freely than usual.
        1. Stop worrying about what you're feeling. Let yourself go.
      9. PHRASE 不修边幅;不注意仪表
        If someonelets themselves go, they pay less attention to themselves or their appearance than they used to, so that they look untidy or unattractive.
        1. If you have let yourself go, you should consider doing something about it for the sake of your health.
      10. PHRASE (使自己)陷入,卷入,招惹(麻烦等)
        If you say that you did not know what you wereletting yourself in forwhen you decided to do something, you mean you did not realize how difficult, unpleasant, or expensive it was going to be.
        1. He got the impression that Miss Hawes had no idea of what she was letting herself in for...
        2. I realized I'd let myself in for something from which there was no turning back.
      11. PHRASE 告知;告诉;使知情
        If youletsomeoneknowsomething, you tell them about it or make sure that they know about it.
        1. They want to let them know that they are safe...
        2. If you do want to go, please let me know.
      12. PHRASE 泄露;无意中吐露
        If youlet drop,let fall, orlet slipinformation, you reveal it casually or by accident, during a conversation about something else.
        1. How could she know about that? He'd certainly never let drop any hint...
        2. He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness.
      13. PHRASE 放任;给予完全的自由
        If you say that someone hasbeen let loosein a place or situation, you mean that they have been given complete freedom to do what they like in that place or situation, and you suggest that this may be risky.
        1. She has all the glee of a little girl let loose in a sweetie shop...
        2. Trainees go through a four-hour lesson before they are let loose on the controls.
      14. PHRASE (常指地)发(声),讲(话)
        If someonelets loosea sound or remark, they make it, often suddenly.
        1. He let loose a long, deep sigh...
        2. Hill let loose a torrent of abuse against those who prosecuted his case.
      15. tolet fly→ see:fly
      16. PHRASAL VERB 使美中不足;使差强人意;使不理想
        If somethingletsyoudown, it is the reason you are not as successful as you could have been.
        1. Many believe it was his shyness and insecurity which let him down...
        2. Sadly, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.
      17. PHRASAL VERB 给(轮胎等)放气
        If youlet downsomething such as a tyre, you allow air to escape from it.
        1. I let the tyres down on his car...
        2. Remove wheelnuts, let down tyre, put on spare.



      • property that is leased or rented out or let


        • Dan played with the tangerine peel, letting it uncoil and then coil again
        • His opponents have no intention of letting him off the hook until he agrees to leave office immediately.
        • I'd been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas.
        • Aspirin thins the blood, letting it flow more easily through narrowed blood vessels.
        • Regular exercise helps to combat unwanted stress and is a good way of relaxing or letting off steam.
        • Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down
        • This skirt needs letting in at the waist.
        • Brown was constantly letting the side down.
        • She is thinking of letting her house to an American serviceman
        • You're letting your imagination run away with you