

英 [hæŋ]

美 [hæŋ]

v.  悬挂; 吊; 垂下; 垂落; (使)低垂,下垂
n.  (衣服、织物等的)悬挂方式,下垂

现在分词:hanging 过去式:hung 过去分词:hung 第三人称单数:hangs 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.1069 / COCA.867



hangv. 悬挂,悬吊
He hung his jacket on a hook behind the door.
A gas lamp hung from the ceiling.
danglev. 悬垂,悬荡
She dangled her feet in the clear water.
A rope dangled in the wind.
slingv. 吊起,悬挂
A hammock was slung between the two trees.
He slung his bag over his shoulder.
suspendv. 〈正式〉悬,挂;使悬浮
The hams were suspended from the ceiling.
A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air.
Are the particles suspended in water visible to the human eye?


hang aroundhang round
1. (在某处)等待,闲呆着  2. 经常和…在一起;经常泡在  

hang back
1. (通常指因紧张而)略微退缩  2. 拖延;拖拉  

hang on
1. 等一会儿;稍等  2. (面对困难或阻力)坚持不懈,不泄气  3. 保住;守住  4. 紧握;牢牢抓住  5. 超长时间保留;保存  6. 取决于;依赖于  

hang out
1. 晾晒(洗好的衣物)  2. 闲逛;逗留  

hang up
1. 悬挂;吊挂  2. 挂断(电话)/突然挂断…的电话  3. 结束,终止(运动生涯或特定活动)  


    hang about

    • (在某处附近)等待,逗留,闲荡
      to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much
      1. 慢悠悠
        to be very slow doing sth
        1. Hang your coat up on the hook.
        2. Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry?
        3. There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.
      2. 停一下;等一等
        used to tell sb to stop what they are doing or saying for a short time

        hang about with sb

        • (和某人)长时间待在一起,泡在一块儿
          to spend a lot of time with sb

          hang around (…)

          • (在某处附近)等待,逗留,闲荡
            to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much

            hang around with sb

            • (和某人)长时间待在一起,泡在一块儿
              to spend a lot of time with sb

              hang back

              • 留下;继续留在原处
                to remain in a place after all the other people have left
                1. The rooms were hung with tapestries.

              hang back (from sth)

              • 犹豫;畏缩;吞吞吐吐
                to hesitate because you are nervous about doing or saying sth

                hang on

                • 抓紧
                  to hold sth tightly
                  1. 等一下;停一下
                    used to ask sb to wait for a short time or to stop what they are doing
                    1. 等待某事发生;等候
                      to wait for sth to happen
                      1. Smoke hung in the air above the city.
                    2. 别挂电话,等一下
                      used on the telephone to ask sb who is calling to wait until they can talk to the person they want
                      1. (在逆境中)坚持,不放弃
                        to continue doing sth in difficult circumstances

                        hang on sth

                        • 有赖于,取决于(某事物)
                          to depend on sth

                          hang on to sth

                          • 抓紧某物
                            to hold sth tightly
                            1. 保留;不卖掉;不放弃
                              to keep sth, not sell it or give it away

                              hang out

                              • 常去某处;泡在某处
                                to spend a lot of time in a place

                                hang over sb

                                • 使忧心忡忡;担心可能发生
                                  if sth bad or unpleasant is hanging over you, you think about it and worry about it a lot because it is happening or might happen

                                  hang together

                                  • 相符;一致;连贯
                                    to fit together well; to be the same as or consistent with each other
                                    1. 相互支持;互相帮助;同心协力
                                      to support or help one another

                                      hang up

                                      • 挂断电话
                                        to end a telephone conversation by putting the telephone receiver down or switching the telephone off

                                        hang sth↔up

                                        • 终止使用某物
                                          to finish using sth for the last time

                                          hang up on sb

                                          • 突然挂断某人的电话
                                            to end a telephone call by suddenly and unexpectedly putting the telephone down



                                                hang sth
                                              • 不在乎;不管
                                                used to say that you are not going to worry about sth
                                              • Oh, let's get two and hang the expense!
                                              • hang a left/right
                                              • 向左 / 向右转
                                                to take a left/right turn
                                              • hang by a hair/thread
                                              • 命悬一线;气若游丝;危在旦夕
                                                to be in great danger
                                              • hang (on) in there
                                              • 保持信心;坚持下去;不气馁
                                                to remain determined to succeed even when a situation is difficult
                                              • hang on sb's words/on sb's every word
                                              • 专心致志地听所崇拜的人讲话;洗耳恭听某人的话
                                                to listen with great attention to sb you admire
                                              • hang tough
                                              • 立场坚定;态度坚决
                                                to be determined and refuse to change your attitude or ideas
                                              • let it all hang out
                                              • 宣泄情感
                                                to express your feelings freely
                                              • (be/hang) in the balance
                                              • (前途)不明朗;(结果)未定,悬而未决
                                                if the future of sth/sb, or the result of sth is/hangs in the balance , it is uncertain
                                              • The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance.
                                              • hang/hold fire
                                              • (使行动)延迟;(使)迟缓
                                                to delay or be delayed in taking action
                                              • The project had hung fire for several years for lack of funds.
                                              • hang/hold on for/like grim death
                                              • (害怕得)死死抓住不放,紧紧抓住不松手
                                                to hold sb/sth very tightly because you are afraid
                                              • hang/lie heavyhang/lie heavyhang/stay loose
                                              • 保持镇静;不着急
                                                to remain calm; to not worry
                                              • It's OK─hang loose and stay cool.
                                              • a peg to hang sth on
                                              • 借口;理由;话头
                                                something that gives you an excuse or opportunity to discuss or explain sth
                                              • (you, etc.) may/might as well be hanged/hung for a sheep as (for) a lamb
                                              • 与其偷羊羔被绞死,不如偷只羊;一不做,二不休
                                                if you are going to be punished for doing sth wrong, whether it is a big or small thing, you may as well do the big thing


                                                get the hang of sth
                                              • 掌握…的要领;了解…的用法;找到了诀窍
                                                to learn how to do or to use sth; to understand sth
                                              • It's not difficult once you get the hang of it.



                                                  悬挂 attach from top
                                                • 悬挂;吊
                                                  to attach sth, or to be attached, at the top so that the lower part is free or loose
                                                  1. Hang your coat up on the hook.
                                                  2. Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry?
                                                  3. There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.
                                                • 垂落 fall loosely
                                                • 垂下;垂落
                                                  when sth hangs in a particular way, it falls in that way
                                                  1. Her hair hung down to her waist.
                                                  2. He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him.
                                                • 下垂 bend downwards
                                                • (使)低垂,下垂
                                                  to bend or let sth bend downwards
                                                  1. The dog's tongue was hanging out.
                                                  2. Children hung (= were leaning) over the gate.
                                                  3. A cigarette hung from her lips.
                                                  4. She hung her head in shame.
                                                • 杀人 kill sb
                                                • (被)绞死,施以绞刑
                                                  to kill sb, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way
                                                  1. He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country.
                                                  2. She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.
                                                  3. At that time you could hang for stealing.
                                                • 图画 pictures
                                                • (使)挂在墙上
                                                  to attach sth, especially a picture, to a hook on a wall; to be attached in this way
                                                  1. We hung her portrait above the fireplace.
                                                  2. Several of his paintings hang in the Tate Gallery.
                                                • 挂图画等装饰(某处)
                                                  to decorate a place by placing paintings, etc. on a wall
                                                  1. The rooms were hung with tapestries.
                                                • 壁纸 wallpaper
                                                • (在墙上)贴壁纸
                                                  to stick wallpaper to a wall
                                                  1. 门 door/gate
                                                  2. 把(门)装在门柱上;装(门)
                                                    to attach a door or gate to a post so that it moves freely
                                                    1. 悬在空中 stay in the air
                                                    2. 悬浮(在空中)
                                                      to stay in the air
                                                      1. Smoke hung in the air above the city.


                                                    • (衣服、织物等的)悬挂方式,下垂
                                                      the way in which a dress, piece of cloth, etc. falls or moves


                                                        The form hung is used as the past tense and past participle. The form hanged is used as the past tense for meaning 5. hung 是过去式和过去分词。hanged 是义项5的过去式。

                                                      • V-ERG 悬挂;吊
                                                        If somethinghangsin a high place or position, or if youhangit there, it is attached there so it does not touch the ground.
                                                        1. Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance...
                                                        2. A light-bulb hanging from the ceiling filled the room with a cold yellow light...
                                                        3. The curtains will be hanging there for years...
                                                        4. I was left hanging by my fingertips over a drop of hundreds of feet.
                                                        5. ...small hanging lanterns...
                                                        6. They saw a young woman come out of the house to hang clothes on a line.
                                                        7. Hang upmeans the same ashang.
                                                          hang up 同 hang
                                                        8. I found his jacket, which was hanging up in the hallway...
                                                        9. Some prisoners climbed onto the roof and hung up a banner.
                                                      • VERB (衣服或织物)下垂,披垂,飘垂
                                                        If a piece of clothing or fabrichangsin a particular way or position, that is how it is worn or arranged.
                                                        1. ...a ragged fur coat that hung down to her calves...
                                                        2. Look for a suit made from good, sturdy cloth to ensure it hangs well...
                                                        3. She was standing by the door, her blue robe hanging from her shoulders.
                                                      • VERB (以某种方式)垂下,披下,悬挂
                                                        If somethinghangsloose orhangsopen, it is partly fixed in position, but is not firmly held, supported, or controlled, often in such a way that it moves freely.
                                                        1. ...her long golden hair which hung loose about her shoulders...
                                                        2. The window sashes were missing, the doors hung open, or were gone altogether...
                                                        3. She froze, her mouth hanging open.
                                                      • VERB 悬挂(画等)
                                                        If something such as a wallis hung withpictures or other objects, they are attached to it.
                                                        1. The walls were hung with huge modern paintings.
                                                        2. ...a line of wall hooks hung with old anoraks and mud-stained overalls.
                                                      • V-ERG (被)施以绞刑;(被)绞死
                                                        If someoneis hangedor if theyhang, they are killed, usually as a punishment, by having a rope tied around their neck and the support taken away from under their feet.
                                                        1. The five were expected to be hanged at 7 am on Tuesday...
                                                        2. It is right that their murderers should hang...
                                                        3. He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital.
                                                      • VERB 悬浮
                                                        If something such as someone's breath or smokehangsin the air, it remains there without appearing to move or change position.
                                                        1. His breath was hanging in the air before him...
                                                        2. A haze of expensive perfume hangs around her.
                                                      • VERB 逼近;威胁;使忧心忡忡
                                                        If a possibilityhangs overyou, it worries you and makes your life unpleasant or difficult because you think it might happen.
                                                        1. A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers...
                                                        2. A question mark hangs over many of their futures.
                                                      • See also:Once the Americans decide to do a thing, they do it well, and hang the cost.hanginghung
                                                      • PHRASE 掌握…的窍门;熟悉…的门道
                                                        If youget the hang ofsomething such as a skill or activity, you begin to understand or realize how to do it.
                                                        1. It's a bit tricky at first till you get the hang of it.
                                                      • PHRASE 坚持下去;别泄气
                                                        If you tell someone tohang in thereor tohang on in there, you are encouraging them to keep trying to do something and not to give up even though it might be difficult.
                                                        1. Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.
                                                      • 放松随便;不拘礼节
                                                        If youlet it all hang out, you relax completely and enjoy yourself without worrying about hiding your emotions or behaving politely.
                                                        1. tohang by a thread→ see:thread



                                                        • a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms
                                                          1. the way a garment hangs
                                                            1. he adjusted the hang of his coat
                                                          2. a special way of doing something
                                                            1. he had a bent for it
                                                            2. he had a special knack for getting into trouble
                                                            3. he couldn't get the hang of it


                                                          • suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste
                                                            1. hang the venison for a few days
                                                          • hold on tightly or tenaciously
                                                            1. hang on to your father's hands
                                                            2. The child clung to his mother's apron
                                                          • cause to be hanging or suspended
                                                            1. Hang that picture on the wall
                                                            Synonym:hang up
                                                          • place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction
                                                            1. hang a door
                                                          • be placed in position as by a hinge
                                                            1. This cabinet door doesn't hang right!
                                                          • be suspended or poised
                                                            1. Heavy fog hung over the valley
                                                          • be suspended or hanging
                                                            1. The flag hung on the wall
                                                          • fall or flow in a certain way
                                                            1. This dress hangs well
                                                            2. Her long black hair flowed down her back
                                                          • decorate or furnish with something suspended
                                                            1. Hang wallpaper
                                                          • let drop or droop
                                                            1. Hang one's head in shame
                                                          • give heed (to)
                                                            1. The children in the audience attended the recital quietly
                                                            2. She hung on his every word
                                                            3. They attended to everything he said
                                                            Synonym:attendadvertpay heedgive ear
                                                          • kill by hanging
                                                            1. The murderer was hanged on Friday
                                                            Synonym:string up
                                                          • prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury
                                                            1. be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive
                                                              1. This worry hangs on my mind
                                                              2. The cloud of suspicion hangs over her
                                                            2. be exhibited
                                                              1. Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum


                                                            • It is right that their murderers should hang
                                                            • They saw a young woman come out of the house to hang clothes on a line.
                                                            • The window sashes were missing, the doors hung open, or were gone altogether
                                                            • Notices painted on sheets hang at every entrance
                                                            • I was left hanging by my fingertips over a drop of hundreds of feet.
                                                            • Hang on a sec. I'll come with you.
                                                            • Once the Americans decide to do a thing, they do it well, and hang the cost.
                                                            • A question mark hangs over many of their futures.
                                                            • If you hang around with colleagues all the time you just end up talking shop.
                                                            • Hang in there and you never know what you might achieve.