n. 基础,基本原理; 肛门,臀部
- lowest support of a structure
- it was built on a base of solid rock
- he stood at the foot of the tower
- the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
- he deserves a good kick in the butt
- are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?
- the fundamental assumptions from which something is begun or developed or calculated or explained
- the whole argument rested on a basis of conjecture
- The article discusses the IRP theory expansion to national level IRSP and makes it as DSM fundament under the conditions of electricity market reform.
文章探讨了在电力市场化改革的条件下将综合资源规划的理念拓展为国家层面的综合资源战略规划,使其成为需求侧管理的理论基础。 - Subjectivity is the fundament characteristic of value.
摘要主体性是价值的根本特性。 - They imply huge financial risks for a few member countries and could not only undermine honest efforts in the direction of political union, but also destroy the fundament on which such a process finally rests, namely the identification of the people with the European idea.
这些会给一些成员国构成巨大的金融风险,不仅会破坏切实以建立政治联盟为方向的努力,也会摧毁这一过程最终所依赖的基础,即人们对欧洲的认同感。 - Firstly, the concept and fundament of embedded web server are introduced.
首先提出了嵌入式网络服务器的概念及其基本思想。 - Only fundament proposition is to be traditional categorical proposition, can socalled "antisyllogism" be valid.
所谓“反三段论”,只有当其中的基础命题为传统直言命题时才有效。 - Associating common sense of life in chemical engineering fundament teaching
《化工基础》教学中的生活常识联想 - Re-exploring the fundament of binome in view of word base, we could find that Binome has its intrinsic principles as it comes into being, especially in time of forming a primal word.
从词本位出发,重新对联绵词进行探源,就会发现联绵词也有其造词理据,特别是原生造词阶段的联绵词。 - The school culture is the fundament of the prestigious schools;
初中女生反学校文化是学校文化的组成部分。 - Fourth, It emphasizes the exigency for reinforcing management and the generally fundament of the human resource.
第四部分,首先阐述了加强人力资源管理的急迫性,接着指出了加强人力资源管理的一般原则; - If we say technological advantage is the fundament for the transnational corporation to survive, then the technological strategy is a device to change the function into an offensive weapon.