

英 [fuːˈleɪɪst]

美 [ˈfaʊlɪst]

adj.  肮脏恶臭的; 难闻的; 很令人不快的; 很坏的; 充满脏话的; 辱骂性的; 下流的


  • ADJ-GRADED 难吃的;肮脏的;恶臭的
    If you describe something asfoul, you mean it is dirty and smells or tastes unpleasant.
    1. ...foul polluted water...
    2. The smell was quite foul.
  • ADJ-GRADED (言语)粗俗的,冒犯的
    Foullanguage is offensive and contains swear words or rude words.
    1. He was sent off for using foul language in a match last Sunday...
    2. He had a foul mouth.
  • ADJ-GRADED 易怒的;暴躁的
    If someone has afoultemper or is in afoulmood, they become angry or violent very suddenly and easily.
    1. Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.
  • (天气)恶劣的,多风的,有暴风雨的
    Foulweather is unpleasant, windy, and stormy.
    1. VERB 弄脏;弄污;污染
      If a placeis fouledby someone or something, they make it dirty.
      1. A village's entire beach and harbor can be fouled by a single rotting whale...
      2. Two oil-related accidents near Los Angeles have fouled the ocean and the skies there.
    2. VERB (动物拉屎)弄脏
      If an animalfoulsa place, it drops faeces onto the ground.
      1. It is an offence to let your dog foul a footpath.
    3. VERB (使)绞住;(使)缠住
      If a machine or vehiclefoulspart of its mechanism or if something such as a ropefoulsthe mechanism, the mechanism can no longer work properly because something has become twisted or knotted around it.
      1. The freighter fouled its propeller in fishing nets.
    4. VERB 对…犯规
      In a game or sport, if a playerfoulsanother player, they touch them or block them in a way which is not allowed according to the rules.
      1. Middlesbrough's Jimmy Phillips was sent off for fouling Steve Tilson.
    5. N-COUNT 犯规
      Afoulis an act in a game or sport that is not allowed according to the rules.
      1. He picked up his first booking for a 45th-minute foul on Bull.
        他因为在比赛进行到第 45 分钟时对公牛队犯规而被第一次记名警告。
      2. Foulis also an adjective.
      3. ...a foul tackle.
    6. PHRASE 声明对手犯规;声称对手违法
      If youcry foul, you claim that someone, especially an opponent or rival, has acted illegally or unfairly.
      1. Deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul.
    7. PHRASE 不择手段地;采取一切手段地
      If someone tries to achieve somethingby fair means or foul, they use every means possible in order to achieve it, and they do not care if their behaviour is dishonest or unfair.
      1. They will only be satisfied if they regain control —by fair means or foul.
    8. PHRASE 惹恼;触怒
      If youfall foul ofsomeone orrun foul ofthem, you do something which gets you into trouble with them.
      1. He had fallen foul of the FBI.
      2. ...teenagers who run foul of the law.
    9. PHRASAL VERB 搞砸;弄糟
      If youfoul upsomething such as a plan, you spoil it by doing something wrong or stupid.
      1. There are serious risks that laboratories may foul up these tests.


    • He called her the foulest names imaginable.
    • Unable to utter a single sentence that isn't laced with the foulest curses, even this man's friends avoid long conversations where possible.
    • Of all the horrors that rose with an ill scent upon the morning air, that was the foulest and most cruel.
    • The nation will soon be liberated from the foulest thralldom. He has suffered wounds in at least nine places for the sake of the liberation of the country and the people.
    • These mutations of Evil are half man, half goat and signify the foulest form of Hell's will.
    • The nation will soon be liberated from the foulest thraldom.
    • In a tone that made the word the foulest and most venomous of epithets.
    • The man was the foulest hypocrite that I ever saw in a high position.
    • The foulest stench is in the air, the funk of 40,000 years. And grizzly ghouls from every tomb are closing in to seal your doom.
    • Growling the foulest imprecations, he crawled along the sand till he got hold of the porch and could hoist himself again upon his crutch.