英 [fɪl]
美 [fɪl]
v. (使)充满,装满,注满,填满; 堵塞,填补(洞、孔); 使充满(感情)
n. 填满…的量; 足够…的量; 吃饱的量; 喝足的量
过去分词:filled 过去式:filled 现在分词:filling 第三人称单数:fills
Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.900 / COCA.686
fillv. (使)充满,挤满
The glass is filled with milk.
My job is to fill the rice sacks.
Her excellent speech filled the auditorium.
I am filled with admiration for her.
My job is to fill the rice sacks.
Her excellent speech filled the auditorium.
I am filled with admiration for her.
cramv. 把…塞满,挤满
He crammed his bag with books.
We all crammed in and he started the car.
The library was crammed with readers.
We all crammed in and he started the car.
The library was crammed with readers.
inflatev. (使)充气
His life jacket failed to inflate.
It takes him 1-2 minutes to inflate this balloon.
How long do you need to inflate the dinghy?
It takes him 1-2 minutes to inflate this balloon.
How long do you need to inflate the dinghy?
stuffv. 填满,装满
The pillow is stuffed with cotton.
She can't move those boxes stuffed full of books.
Did you stuff the turkey?
She can't move those boxes stuffed full of books.
Did you stuff the turkey?
fill in
1. 填塞,填平(缝隙或孔洞) 2. 填,填写(表格等) 3. 涂满,填充(图形) 4. 告诉…详情;向…详述 5. 临时补缺;暂代 6. 消磨,打发(时间)
fill out
1. 填,填写(表格等) 2. (很瘦的人)发胖,长胖
fill up
1. (使)装满;(使)注满;(使)充满 2. 挤满;占满;充塞 3. 度过,打发(时间) 4. (使)吃饱;填饱(…的)肚子 5. (食物)使易饱,使有饱胀感
fill in (for sb)
- 暂时代替;临时补缺
to do sb's job for a short time while they are not there
fill sth↔in
- 填写(表格等)
to complete a form, etc. by writing information on it - 填满;塞满
to fill sth completely- The crack in the wall had been filled with plaster.
墙上的裂缝已用灰泥堵上了。 - I need to have two teeth filled (= to have fillings put in them) .
我有两颗牙要补。 - The product has filled a gap in the market.
- The crack in the wall had been filled with plaster.
- 消磨,打发(时间)
to spend time doing sth while waiting for sth more important - 给(图画等)最后着色
to complete a drawing, etc. by covering the space inside the outline with colour- We were all filled with admiration for his achievements.
- We were all filled with admiration for his achievements.
fill sb in (on sth)
- 向…提供(情况)
to tell sb about sth that has happened
fill out
- 膨胀;扩张;长胖;长肥
to become larger, rounder or fatter- a smoke-filled room
烟雾弥漫的房间 - a fun-filled day
- a smoke-filled room
fill sth↔out
fill sth↔out
fill up (with sth)
fill sth↔up (with sth)
- 充满;(使)填满;装满
to become completely full; to make sth completely full- The vacancy has already been filled.
- The vacancy has already been filled.
- fill sb's shoes/boots
- 妥善代职
to do sb's job in an acceptable way when they are not there fill/fit the bill - 符合要求;合格
to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose - On paper, several of the applicants fit the bill.
- 使充满 make full
- (使)充满,装满,注满,填满
to make sth full of sth; to become full of sth- to fill a hole with earth/a bucket with water
用泥土把洞填起来;把水桶装满水 - to fill a vacuum/void
填补真空 / 空间 - Please fill this glass for me.
请把这个杯子给我倒满。 - The school is filled to capacity .
这所学校已经满员。 - Smoke filled the room.
房间里烟雾弥漫。 - The wind filled the sails.
风吹帆张。 - A Disney film can always fill cinemas (= attract a lot of people to see it) .
迪斯尼电影总是让电影院满座。 - Fill a pan half full of water.
给平底锅装半锅水。 - The room was filling quickly.
房间很快就挤满了人。 - Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.
她的眼里突然噙满了泪水。 - The sails filled with wind.
堵洞 block hole - to fill a hole with earth/a bucket with water
- 堵塞,填补(洞、孔)
to block a hole with a substance- The crack in the wall had been filled with plaster.
墙上的裂缝已用灰泥堵上了。 - I need to have two teeth filled (= to have fillings put in them) .
我有两颗牙要补。 - The product has filled a gap in the market.
感情 with feeling - The crack in the wall had been filled with plaster.
- 使充满(感情)
to make sb have a strong feeling- We were all filled with admiration for his achievements.
气味;声;光 with smell/sound/light - We were all filled with admiration for his achievements.
- 使遍及;弥漫;布满;照满
if a smell, sound or light fills a place, it is very strong, loud or bright and easy to notice 充满… -filled - 充满…的
full of the thing mentioned- a smoke-filled room
烟雾弥漫的房间 - a fun-filled day
需要 a need - a smoke-filled room
- 满足
to stop people from continuing to want or need sth- More nurseries will be built to fill the need for high-quality child care.
工作 job - More nurseries will be built to fill the need for high-quality child care.
- 担任;充任
to do a job, have a role or position, etc.- He fills the post satisfactorily (= performs his duties well) .
他很尽职。 - The team needs someone to fill the role of manager very soon.
- He fills the post satisfactorily (= performs his duties well) .
- 派人担任
to appoint sb to a job- The vacancy has already been filled.
时间 time - The vacancy has already been filled.
- 耗去;打发;消磨
to use up a particular period of time doing sth- How do you fill your day now that you've retired?
食物 with food - How do you fill your day now that you've retired?
- (使)吃饱
to make sb/yourself feel unable to eat any more- The kids filled themselves with snacks.
订单 an order - The kids filled themselves with snacks.
- (按订单)供应;交付(订货);(按药方)配药
if sb fills an order or a prescription , they give the customer what they have asked for
- 填满…的量;足够…的量
as much of sth/sb as you are willing to accept- I've had my fill of entertaining for one week.
- I've had my fill of entertaining for one week.
- 吃饱的量;喝足的量
as much as you can eat/drink
- V-ERG (使)装满;(使)注满;(使)充满
If youfilla container or area, or if itfills, an amount of something enters it that is enough to make it full.- Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil...
往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。 - She made sandwiches, filled a flask and put sugar in...
她做了三明治,把保温瓶灌满,又放了糖进去。 - The victims' lungs fill quickly with fluid...
受害者的肺里很快充满了积液。 - The boy's eyes filled with tears...
男孩眼泪汪汪。 - While the bath was filling, he padded about in his underpants.
往浴缸里放水时,他穿着内裤走来走去。 - Fill upmeans the same asfill.
fill up 同 fill - Pass me your cup, Amy, and I'll fill it up for you...
把杯子递给我,埃米,我给你加满。 - Warehouses at the frontier between the two countries fill up with sacks of rice and flour.
- Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil...
- VERB 挤满;占满;充塞
If somethingfillsa space, it is so big, or there are such large quantities of it, that there is very little room left.- He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area...
他把目光投向那一排排挤占了巨大工作空间的柜子。 - The text fills 231 pages.
正文占了 231 页。
- He cast his eyes at the rows of cabinets that filled the enormous work area...
- VERB 填塞,填平(缝隙或孔洞)
If youfilla crack or hole, you put a substance into it in order to make the surface smooth again.- Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour...
用颜色相配的木质填料填平小孔。 - The gravedigger filled the grave.
掘墓人把墓穴填上。 - Fill inmeans the same asfill.
fill in 同 fill - If any cracks have appeared in the tart case, fill these in with raw pastry.
- Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour...
- VERB 布满;使遍及
If a sound, smell, or lightfillsa space, or the air, it is very strong or noticeable.- In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air...
警报声响彻学校停车场。 - All the light bars were turned on which filled the room with these rotating beams of light...
所有灯条都打开了,满屋都是旋转的光柱。 - The barn was filled with the sour-sweet smell of fresh dung.
- In the parking lot of the school, the siren filled the air...
- VERB 使强烈地感到;(感情)充盈于
If somethingfillsyouwithan emotion, or if an emotionfillsyou, you experience this emotion strongly.- I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity...
我很钦佩父亲,并对他的工作充满了敬畏和好奇。 - He looked at me without speaking, and for the first time I could see the pride that filled him...
他看着我没有说话,我第一次看出他内心充满了自豪。 - He stared at his favourite child, dismayed, filled with fear.
- I admired my father, and his work filled me with awe and curiosity...
- VERB 度过,打发(时间)
If youfilla period of time with a particular activity, you spend the time in this way.- If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work.
如果她想做些日常的事务来打发白天的时间,就让她去做社区工作吧。 - Fill upmeans the same asfill.
fill up 同 fill - On Thursday night she went to her yoga class, glad to have something to fill up the evening.
- If she wants a routine to fill her day, let her do community work.
- VERB 满足(需要);弥补(空白)
If somethingfillsa need or a gap, it puts an end to this need or gap by existing or being active.- ...properly organized and staffed day-care programs fill a need which allows family structures to remain intact...
组织得当、人员配备齐整的日托中心满足了人们的需求,保持了家庭结构不受破坏。 - She brought him a sense of fun, of gaiety that filled a gap in his life.
- ...properly organized and staffed day-care programs fill a need which allows family structures to remain intact...
- VERB 充任;担任;发挥
If somethingfillsa role, position, or function, they have that role or position, or perform that function, often successfully.- Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.
- Dena was filling the role of diplomat's wife with the skill she had learned over the years.
- VERB 填补(职位空缺)
If a company or organizationfillsa job vacancy, they choose someone to do the job. If someonefillsa job vacancy, they accept a job that they have been offered.- One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer...
一个没有提及的问题是,失业人员也许缺乏填补所提供的空职的技能。 - A vacancy has arisen which I intend to fill.
- One problem not mentioned is the unemployed may not have the skills to fill the vacancies on offer...
- VERB 使吃饱;填饱…的肚子
If youfillyourself withfood, you eat so much that you do not feel hungry.- They joked and drank coffee and filled themselves with chocolate cake.
- They joked and drank coffee and filled themselves with chocolate cake.
- VERB 使爆满;使满座;使座无虚席
A play, film, or performer thatfillsa theatre, concert hall, or cinema attracts a very large audience.- Children are enthralled by his stories; he has been known to fill theatre halls in Australia.
- Children are enthralled by his stories; he has been known to fill theatre halls in Australia.
- VERB 补(牙)
When a dentistfillssomeone's tooth, he or she puts a filling in it.- It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health.
- It is almost impossible to find a dentist who will fill a tooth on the National Health.
- VERB (按订单)供货;(按药方)配药
If youfillan order or a prescription, you provide the things that are asked for.- A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.
- A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.
- PHRASE 受够;对…感到厌烦
If youhave hadyourfill ofsomething, you have had enough of it, and do not want to experience it any more or do it any more.- We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets.
- We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets.
- tofill the bill→ see:bill
- PHRASAL VERB 填,填写(表格等)
If youfill ina form or other document requesting information, you write information in the spaces on it.- If you want your free copy of the Patients' Charter fill this form in...
如果想要一份免费的《病人约章》,就把这张表填一下。 - Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown.
- If you want your free copy of the Patients' Charter fill this form in...
- PHRASAL VERB 涂满,填充(图形)
If youfill ina shape, you cover the area inside the lines with colour or shapes so that none of the background is showing.- When you have both filled in your patterns, you may want to share these with each other...
两人都把图案填好色后,不妨互相交换着看一下。 - With a lip pencil, outline lips and fill them in.
- When you have both filled in your patterns, you may want to share these with each other...
- PHRASAL VERB 告诉…详情;向…详述
If youfillsomeonein, you give them more details about something that you know about.- I didn't give Reid all the details yet — I'll fill him in...
我还没有告诉里德所有详情——我会讲给他听的。 - He filled her in on Wilbur Kantor's visit.
- I didn't give Reid all the details yet — I'll fill him in...
- PHRASAL VERB 临时补缺;暂代
If youfill infor someone, you do the work or task that they normally do because they are unable to do it.- Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.
- Vice-presidents' wives would fill in for first ladies.
- See also:That's not a career. She's just filling in time until she gets married.fill
- PHRASAL VERB 填,填写(表格等)
If youfill outa form or other document requesting information, you write information in the spaces on it.- Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.
- Fill out the application carefully, and keep copies of it.
- PHRASAL VERB (很瘦的人)发胖,长胖
If a fairly thin personfills out, they become fatter.- A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.
- A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.
- PHRASAL VERB (使)吃饱;填饱(…的)肚子
If youfill uporfillyourselfupwith food, you eat so much that you do not feel hungry.- Fill up on potatoes, bread and pasta, which are high in carbohydrate and low in fat...
用碳水化合物含量高、脂肪含量低的土豆、面包和意大利面食填饱肚子。 - When you are happy about yourself you won't need to fill yourself up with food.
- Fill up on potatoes, bread and pasta, which are high in carbohydrate and low in fat...
- See also:Potatoes fill us up without overloading us with calories.fill 126
in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用fill out
in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用fill in
- a quantity sufficient to satisfy
- he ate his fill of potatoes
- she had heard her fill of gossip
- any material that fills a space or container
- there was not enough fill for the trench
- plug with a substance
- fill a cavity
- become full
- The pool slowly filled with water
- The theater filled up slowly
- make full, also in a metaphorical sense
- fill a container
- fill the child with pride
- fill or meet a want or need
- fill to satisfaction
- I am sated
- eat until one is sated
- He filled up on turkey
- appoint someone to (a position or a job)
- assume, as of positions or roles
- She took the job as director of development
- he occupies the position of manager
- the young prince will soon occupy the throne
- occupy the whole of
- The liquid fills the container
- The text fills 231 pages.
正文占了231页。 - Potatoes fill us up without overloading us with calories.
吃土豆容易让我们有一种饱胀感,又不会摄入过多的热量。 - The gravedigger filled the grave.
掘墓人把墓穴填上。 - That's not a career. She's just filling in time until she gets married.
那算不上什么事业,她只不过是在嫁人之前打发一下时间而已。 - Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil
往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。 - If you want your free copy of the Patients 'Charter fill this form in
如果想要一份免费的《病人约章》,就把这张表填一下。 - A girl may fill out before she reaches her full height.
女孩子在长足个头之前可能会发胖。 - Fill small holes with wood filler in a matching colour
用颜色相配的木质填料填平小孔。 - She brought him a sense of fun, of gaiety that filled a gap in his life.
她带给他开心快乐,弥补了他生命中的缺憾。 - Vice-presidents 'wives would fill in for first ladies.