英 [ˌfɪfti ˈfɪfti]
美 [ˌfɪfti ˈfɪfti]
adj./adv. 对半(的); 各半(的); 平分(的); 二一添作五
- 对半(的);各半(的);平分(的);二一添作五
divided equally between two people, groups or possibilities- Costs are to be shared on a fifty-fifty basis between the government and local businesses.
费用由政府和当地企业均摊。 - She has a fifty-fifty chance of winning (= an equal chance of winning or losing) .
她获胜的可能性是百分之五十。 - Let's split this fifty-fifty.
- Costs are to be shared on a fifty-fifty basis between the government and local businesses.
- ADV 对半;各半;均(分)地
If something such as money or property is divided or sharedfifty-fiftybetween two people, each person gets half of it.- The proceeds of the sale are split fifty-fifty.
出售的收益双方平分。 - Fifty-fiftyis also an adjective.
- The new firm was owned on a fifty-fifty basis by the two parent companies.
- The proceeds of the sale are split fifty-fifty.
- ADJ (发生概率)一半一半的,百分之五十的
If there is afifty-fiftychance of something happening, it is equally likely to happen as it is not to happen.- You've got a fifty-fifty chance of being right.
你有 50%的可能性是对的。
- You've got a fifty-fifty chance of being right.
- equal in degree or extent or amount
- even amounts of butter and sugar
- on even terms
- it was a fifty-fifty (or even) split
- had a fifty-fifty (or even) chance
- an even fight
- If you find the treasure we will go fifty-fifty.
如果你找到那批财宝,咱们就平分。 - We agreed to split the profits between us on a fifty-fifty basis.
我们同意将利润对半分。 - "I'm about fifty-fifty on believing in God," he said.
“我对神灵半信半疑,”他说。 - The chances of success and failure are fifty-fifty.
成败的可能性各半。 - According to evolutionary anthropologists, babies of the earliest humans had a fifty-fifty chance of coming out facing backwards.
根据人类进化学家,人类早期时候的婴儿生出来是有二分之一的可能性是倒着的。 - Whether you win or lose, it's a fifty-fifty chance.
你是赢是输各有一半可能。 - Let's pay the bill fifty-fifty.
让我们各付一半的账单吧。 - The apples weigh six jin. let's take them fifty-fifty.
这些苹果有6斤重,我们对半分吧。 - Pat Jr.: And1 I'll go fifty-fifty with you on the advertising.
小帕特:此外广告费我跟你分摊一半。 - They went fifty-fifty with the household expenses.