英 [dəʊ]
美 [doʊ]
abbr. (英国)卫生部
- (英国)卫生部
(in Britain) Department of Health
- This is because the DOH ( what a great acronym) offers both command-line and browser-based interfaces to the testing framework.
这是因为DOH(多好的缩写名)既提供了命令行界面,也提供了基于浏览器的界面来测试框架。 - The DOH has a another test registration function called doh. registerUrl().
DOH有另外一个测试注册函数,名为doh.registerUrl()。 - Testing stand-alone functions, both synchronous and asynchronous, in the DOH
在DOH中同步和异步地测试独立函数 - Because its browser-based interface has access to the XMLHttpRequest object, the DOH can support asynchronous unit tests.
因为借助其基于浏览器的界面可以访问XMLHttpRequest对象,所以DOH可以支持异步单元测试。 - If any type of exception is thrown in a unit test, the DOH declares the entire test as failed.
如果在一个单元测试中有任何类型的异常被抛出,DOH就会宣布整个测试失败。 - Well, you define an HTML file that instantiates the DOH, instantiates widgets, then defines the test functions to execute.
首先定义一个HTML文件来实例化此DOH、小部件,然后定义要执行的测试函数。 - Because the callback runs later, it cannot be easily try/ catch caught by the DOH when there is a failure, like it does for a synchronous test.
因为回调运行得较晚,所以当故障出现时,DOH很难通过try/catch捕捉到,就如同在同步测试中一样。 - The test case structure is illustrated by using a demonstration module, demo. doh, that is placed as a peer module to the Dojo directory structure.
通过一个示范模块demo.doh,可以说明测试用例结构,该模块作为一个Dojo目录结构的对等模块。 - I play sport on my computer Doh!
我玩我的电脑上卫生署的运动! - That's great, but it doesn't display the DOH's UI, so it's difficult to tell if tests pass or not.