

英 [krɒs]

美 [krɔːs]

n.  叉字形记号; 十字形记号; (旧时用以处死人的)十字架; (耶稣钉死在上面的)十字架
v.  穿越; 越过; 横过; 渡过; 交叉; 相交; 使交叉; 使交叠
adj.  恼怒的; 十分愤怒的; 生气的

过去式:crossed 现在分词:crossing 过去分词:crossed 第三人称单数:crosses 复数:crosses 


Oxford 3000 / Collins.2 / BNC.1352 / COCA.1391


cross off
1. (从名单上)删掉,取消  

cross out
1. 删除,删去(字句)  


    cross sb/sth↔off

      cross sb/sth off sth

      • (从名单或清单上)画掉,删掉
        to draw a line through a person's name or an item on a list because they/it is no longer required or involved
        1. I've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is.
        2. Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong.
        3. Sign your name on the form where I've put a cross.
        4. Those who could not write signed with a cross.

      cross sth↔out/through

      • 画掉,删掉(错字)
        to draw a line through a word, usually because it is wrong

        cross over (to/into sth)

        • (从某种文化、音乐、政党等)转变,变换
          to move or change from one type of culture, music, political party, etc. to another



              have a (heavy) cross to bear
            • 有本难念的经;有苦难要忍受
              to have a difficult problem that makes you worried or unhappy but that you have to deal with
            • We all have our crosses to bear.


              cross that bridge when you come to it
            • 临机应变(不用事前操心)
              to worry about a problem when it actually happens and not before
            • cross your fingers
            • 祈求成功(有时使手指交叉为祈求好运的手势)
              to hope that your plans will be successful (sometimes putting one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck)
            • I'm crossing my fingers that my proposal will be accepted.
            • Keep your fingers crossed!
            • cross my heart (and hope to die)
            • 我发誓(否则不得好死)
              used to emphasize that you are telling the truth or will do what you promise
            • I saw him do it─cross my heart.
            • cross your mind
            • 掠过心头;出现在脑海
              to come into your mind
            • It never crossed my mind that she might lose (= I was sure that she would win) .
            • cross sb's palm with silver
            • 为得到好处而给某人钱;(尤指)付钱请人算命
              to give sb money so that they will do you a favour, especially tell your fortune
            • cross sb's pathpeople's paths cross
            • 偶然相遇;不期而遇;邂逅
              if sb crosses sb's path or their paths cross , they meet by chance
            • I hope I never cross her path again.
            • Our paths were to cross again many years later.
            • cross swords (with sb)
            • (与某人)交锋,争论
              to fight or argue with sb
            • dot your i's and cross your t's
            • (完成任务时)一丝不苟,注重细节
              to pay attention to the small details when you are finishing a task
            • get your wires crossed
            • 误会(别人的意思)
              to become confused about what sb has said to you so that you think they meant sth else



                纸上符号 mark on paper
              • 叉字形记号;十字形记号
                a mark or an object formed by two lines crossing each other (X or +); the mark (X) is often used on paper to show sth
                1. I've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is.
                2. Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it's wrong.
                3. Sign your name on the form where I've put a cross.
                4. Those who could not write signed with a cross.
              • 惩罚 for punishment
              • (旧时用以处死人的)十字架
                a long vertical piece of wood with a shorter piece across it near the top. In the past people were hung on crosses and left to die as a punishment.
                1. 基督教标记 Christian symbol
                2. (耶稣钉死在上面的)十字架
                  the cross that Jesus Christ died on, used as a symbol of Christianity
                  1. 十字架物品(或设计)
                    an object, a design, a piece of jewellery, etc. in the shape of a cross , used as a symbol of Christianity
                    1. She wore a small gold cross on a chain around her neck.
                  2. 勋章 medal
                  3. (表彰英勇行为的)十字勋章
                    a small decoration in the shape of a cross that is given to sb as an honour for doing sth very brave
                    1. 混合物 mixture
                    2. 混合物;(动物等的)杂种,杂交品种
                      a mixture of two different things, breeds of animal, etc.
                      1. The play was a cross between a farce and a tragedy.
                      2. A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey.
                    3. 体育运动 in sport
                    4. 横传
                      a kick or hit of the ball across the field rather than up or down it


                        穿越;使交叉 go/put across
                      • 穿越;越过;横过;渡过
                        to go across; to pass or stretch from one side to the other
                        1. I waved and she crossed over (= crossed the road towards me) .
                        2. We crossed from Dover to Calais.
                        3. to cross a/the road
                        4. to cross the sea/mountains
                        5. He crossed over the road and joined me.
                        6. to cross France by train
                        7. The bridge crosses the River Dee.
                        8. A look of annoyance crossed her face .
                        9. They crossed the finishing line together (= in a race) .
                      • 交叉;相交
                        to pass across each other
                        1. The roads cross just outside the town.
                        2. The straps cross over at the back and are tied at the waist.
                        3. Our letters must have crossed in the mail (= each was sent before the other was received) .
                        4. We seem to have a crossed line (= a telephone call that interrupts another call because of a wrong connection) .
                      • 使交叉;使交叠
                        to put or place sth across or over sth else
                        1. to cross your arms/legs (= place one arm or leg over the other)
                          交叉两臂 / 双腿
                        2. She sat with her legs crossed.
                        3. a flag with a design of two crossed keys
                      • 反对 oppose
                      • 反对,反驳,否定(某人或计划、意愿)
                        to oppose sb or speak against them or their plans or wishes
                        1. She's really nice until you cross her.
                        2. He had been crossed in love (= the person he loved was not faithful to him) .
                      • 杂交 mix animals/plants
                      • 使杂交;使异种交配
                        to make two different types of animal breed together; to mix two types of plant to form a new one
                        1. A mule is the product of a horse crossed with a donkey.
                        2. He behaved like an army officer crossed with a professor.
                      • 体育运动 in sport
                      • 横传
                        to kick or pass a ball sideways across the field
                        1. 画线 draw line
                        2. 画横线于
                          to draw a line across sth
                          1. to cross your t's (= the letters in writing)
                          2. to cross a cheque (= to draw two lines across it so that it can only be paid through a bank account)
                        3. 做基督教的标记 make Christian symbol
                        4. 画十字圣号
                          to make the sign of the cross (= the Christian symbol) on your chest


                          • 恼怒的;十分愤怒的;生气的
                            annoyed or quite angry
                            1. I was cross with him for being late.
                            2. Please don't get cross . Let me explain.


                            VERB AND NOUN USES 动词和名词用法

                            • VERB 穿越;越过;横过;渡过
                              If youcrosssomething such as a room, a road, or an area of land or water, you move or travel to the other side of it. If youcross toa place, you move or travel over a room, road, or area of land or water in order to reach that place.
                              1. She was partly to blame for failing to look as she crossed the road...
                              2. Nine Albanians have crossed the border into Greece and asked for political asylum...
                              3. In 1838 the first iron sailing vessel crossed the Atlantic...
                              4. Egan crossed to the drinks cabinet and poured a Scotch.
                            • VERB (公路、铁路或桥)穿过,越过
                              A road, railway, or bridge thatcrossesan area of land or water passes over it.
                              1. The Defford to Eckington road crosses the river half a mile outside Eckington.
                            • V-RECIP 交叉;相交
                              Lines or roads thatcrossmeet and go across each other.
                              1. ...the intersection where Main and Center streets cross...
                              2. It is near where the pilgrimage route crosses the road to Quimper.
                            • VERB 超过,超出(极限或范围)
                              If someone or somethingcrossesa limit or boundary, for example the limit of acceptable behaviour, they go beyond it.
                              1. I normally never write into magazines but Mr Stubbs has finally crossed the line...
                              2. No party is entitled to a seat in the new parliament unless it gets at least 5 per cent of the vote. Many will fail to cross that threshold.
                            • VERB (表情)掠过,闪过
                              If an expressioncrossessomeone's face, it appears briefly on their face.
                              1. Berg tilts his head and a mischievous look crosses his face...
                              2. A faint smile crossed his lips.
                            • N-COUNT 十字形,十字架(基督教最重要的标记)
                              Acrossis a shape that consists of a vertical line or piece with a shorter horizontal line or piece across it. It is the most important Christian symbol.
                              1. Round her neck was a cross on a silver chain...
                              2. He solemnly made the sign of the cross...
                              3. Christ died on the cross.
                            • VERB (基督教徒)画十字
                              If Christianscross themselves, they make the sign of a cross by moving their hand across the top half of their body.
                              1. 'Holy Mother of God!' Marco crossed himself.
                            • N-COUNT 麻烦;不利
                              If you describe something as acrossthat someone has to bear, you mean it is a problem or disadvantage which they have to deal with or bear.
                              1. My wife is much cleverer than me; it is a cross I have to bear.
                            • N-COUNT 叉字形记号;十字形记号
                              Acrossis a written mark in the shape of an X. You can use it, for example, to indicate that an answer to a question is wrong, to mark the position of something on a map, or to indicate your vote on a ballot paper.
                              1. Put a tick next to those activities you like and a cross next to those you dislike.
                            • VERB 在(支票)上画两条平行线(使支票只能划入银行账户,不能兑现)
                              If a chequeis crossed, two parallel lines are drawn across it or printed on it to indicate that it must be paid into a bank account and cannot be cashed.
                              1. Cheques/postal orders should be crossed and made payable to Newmarket Promotions.
                              2. ...a crossed cheque.
                            • VERB 使交叉;使交叠
                              If youcrossyour arms, legs, or fingers, you put one of them on top of the other.
                              1. Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep thought...
                              2. Pop crossed his arms over his chest and watched us...
                              3. He was sitting there in the living room with his legs crossed.
                            • VERB 反对;拒绝
                              If youcrosssomeone who is likely to get angry, you oppose them or refuse to do what they want.
                              1. If you ever cross him, forget it, you're finished.
                            • N-SING 混合物;杂交品种
                              Something that isa cross betweentwo things is neither one thing nor the other, but a mixture of both.
                              1. 'Ha!' It was a cross between a laugh and a bark...
                              2. It was a lovely dog. It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever.
                            • N-COUNT (足球、曲棍球等球队运动中的)横传
                              In some team sports such as football and hockey, acrossis the passing of the ball from the side of the field to a player in the centre, usually in front of the goal.
                              1. Le Tissier hit an accurate cross to Groves.
                            • ADJ (街道)交叉的,十字的
                              Acrossstreet is a road that crosses another more important road.
                              1. The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets.
                            • See also:crossing

                            ADJECTIVE USE 形容词用法

                            • ADJ-GRADED 生气的;愤怒的
                              Someone who iscrossis rather angry or irritated.
                              1. The women are cross and bored...
                              2. I'm terribly cross with him...
                              3. She was rather cross about having to trail across London.



                            • (genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids
                              1. (genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock
                                1. a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey
                              2. a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece
                                1. a marking that consists of lines that cross each other
                                  1. any affliction that causes great suffering
                                    1. that is his cross to bear
                                    2. he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns
                                    Synonym:crown of thorns




                                  • It was a lovely dog. It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever.
                                  • A faint smile crossed his lips.
                                  • It is near where the pilgrimage route crosses the road to Quimper.
                                  • If you ever cross him, forget it, you're finished.
                                  • Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on one fist, as if lost in deep thought
                                  • Round her neck was a cross on a silver chain
                                  • Le Tissier hit an accurate cross to Groves.
                                  • 'Holy Mother of God!' Marco crossed himself.
                                  • Cheques/ postal orders should be crossed and made payable to Newmarket Promotions.
                                  • She was rather cross about having to trail across London.