n. 确证,证实; 确证的事实等
BNC.24609 / COCA.23995
- VERB 证实;确证
Tocorroboratesomething that has been said or reported means to provide evidence or information that supports it.- I had access to a wide range of documents which corroborated the story...
我能够查阅证实这一说法的大量文件。 - Alice corroborated what Blair had said.
- I had access to a wide range of documents which corroborated the story...
- confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence
- The success of the field test gave a further corroboration for the feasibility of this mobile sensor system.
现场测试的成功不仅证明了所设计的二维、多参量便携式系统的可行性,同时为便携式传感系统的未来应用展示出极佳前景。 - The confession corroboration rule of our country is so faulty that it should be further improved.
我国的自白补强规则极不完善,需要进一步改进。 - But the corroboration is great news for miners with high volume and low production cost assets, such as BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto.
但对于必和必拓(bhpbilliton)和力拓(riotinto)等产量大、生产成本低的矿业企业来说,这一点得到证实,却是一个好消息。 - In the last part, I give some suggestions to the construction of the corroboration rule against the problems.
最后针对本文提出的问题,在结论中对我国补强证据规则的构建提出了若干意见与建议。 - As strange as this encounter seems, it was not without corroboration.
遇到很奇怪,因为这似乎是不无佐证。 - Estimates should only be used when hard data are not available and these should be routinely cross-checked against other data on bank-risk, with corroboration sought from other banks, so as to identify who is cheating.
只有当无法取得实际数据时,才应使用估值,并经常对其与涉及银行风险的其他数据进行交叉比对,并寻求向其它银行求证,以确定到底是谁在欺诈。 - A corroboration of this increasing importance given to photography as a culture in its own right is found in the the current success in the contemporary markets of imagery derived from photographs but made in other media.
摄影本身就是一种文化,这一点越来越重要,其确切证据就是,目前在当代艺术市场中,一些源于摄影,但却运用其它介质制作的影像作品非常走俏。 - The combination of your name and a strong password provide sufficient corroboration.
将您的用户名和强密码组合在一起,这样可以提供足够的安全性加强。 - Additional interviewing and gathering of evidence may be needed to provide the necessary corroboration.
如果有必要,可以增加一次面谈,以便收集必要的证据。 - I've neither taken any nor found any,'she said, as I toiled to them, expanding her hands in corroboration of the statement.