

英 [bets]

美 [bets]

v.  下赌注(于); 用…打赌; 敢说; 八成儿


    The form bet is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle. bet 的过去式和过去分词与原形相同。

  • VERB 打赌;下注
    If youbet onthe result of a horse race, football game, or other event, you give someone a sum of money which they give you back with extra money if the result is what you predicted, or which they keep if it is not.
    1. Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races...
    2. I bet £10 on a horse called Premonition...
    3. He bet them 500 pounds they would lose.
    4. Betis also a noun.
    5. Do you always have a bet on the Grand National?
  • N-COUNT 赌注
    Abetis a sum of money which you give to someone when you bet.
    1. You can put a bet on almost anything these days.
  • VERB 希望;期待
    If someoneis bettingthat something will happen, they are hoping or expecting that it will happen.
    1. The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters...
    2. People were betting on a further easing of credit conditions.
  • See also:betting
  • PHRASE 我敢说;我确信
    You use expressions such as 'I bet', 'I'll bet', and 'you can bet' to indicate that you are sure something is true.
    1. I bet you were good at games when you were at school...
    2. I bet you anything you like he's a pimp...
    3. I'll bet they'll taste out of this world...
    4. You can bet she will be there.
  • PHRASE 十拿九稳的事;有望成功的行动;合适之选
    If you tell someone that something is agood bet, you are suggesting that it is the thing or course of action that they should choose.
    1. Textiles are a good bet for a country bent on industrialisation...
    2. Your best bet is to choose a guest house.
  • PHRASE 极有可能属实(或发生)的事
    If you say that it isa good betora safe betthat something is true or will happen, you are saying that it is extremely likely to be true or to happen.
    1. It is a safe bet that the current owners will not sell.
  • PHRASE 两面下注;做两手准备
    If youhedgeyourbets, you follow two courses of action to avoid making a decision between two things because you cannot decide which one is right.
    1. NASA is hedging its bets and adopting both strategies.
  • PHRASE (通常感到恼火或好笑时表示同意或认为属实)那是,说的是,一点没错
    You useI betorI'll betin reply to a statement to show that you agree with it or that you expected it to be true, usually when you are annoyed or amused by it.
    1. 'I'd like to ask you something,' I said. — 'I bet you would,' she grinned.
  • PHRASE 我敢说;我认为
    You can usemy bet isorit's my betto give your personal opinion about something, when you are fairly sure that you are right.
    1. My bet is that next year will be different...
    2. It's my bet that he's the guy behind this killing.
  • PHRASE 不要认为;别指望;不一定
    If you saydon't bet onsomething orI wouldn't bet onsomething, you mean that you do not think that something is true or will happen.
    1. 'We'll never get a table in there' — 'Don't bet on it.'
  • CONVENTION (表示确信对方说的不对)敢打赌吗?
    If you reply 'Do you want to bet?' or 'Want a bet?' to someone, you mean you are certain that what they have said is wrong.
    1. 'Money can't buy happiness.' — 'Want to bet?'
  • PHRASE 当然;一定;一点没错
    You use 'You bet' or 'you bet your life' to say yes in an emphatic way or to emphasize a reply or statement.
    1. 'It's settled, then?' — 'You bet.'...
    2. 'Are you afraid of snakes?' — 'You bet your life I'm afraid of snakes.'


  • I wouldn't lay bets on his still remaining manager after the spring
  • In the past week or so, hedge funds and options traders have dramatically increased their bets against developing countries, says an industry consultant.
  • Investors have seen their market bets come a long way in a short time.
  • I would now take no bets on this benign outcome.
  • Because he makes stupid bets with dangerous people.
  • We take risks, make big bets, and move with urgency.
  • India's stock-market regulator on Wednesday also restricted short selling or bets that stocks will fall by foreign funds.
  • Real-world investors who fall into the bullish camp will be wanting to place their bets.
  • They made a few small bets for kicks.
  • The money for these leveraged bets comes mainly from wealth management products sold by banks and trust companies.