

英 [ˈbælənsɪz]

美 [ˈbælənsɪz]

n.  均衡; 平衡; 均势; 平衡能力; 余额
v.  使(在某物上)保持平衡; 立稳; 相抵; 抵消; 同等重视(相对的两个事物或方面)


  • V-ERG (使)保持平衡;(使)平稳
    If youbalancesomething somewhere, or if itbalancesthere, it remains steady and does not fall.
    1. I balanced on the ledge...
    2. He balanced a football on his head.
  • N-UNCOUNT 平衡能力
    Balanceis the ability to remain steady when you are standing up.
    1. The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance.
  • V-RECIP-ERG 使(力量、重要性等)相等;使均衡;使持平
    If youbalanceone thingwithsomething different, each of the things has the same strength or importance.
    1. Balance spicy dishes with mild ones...
    2. The state has got to find some way to balance these two needs...
    3. Supply and demand on the currency market will generally balance.
  • N-SING (力量、重要性等的)均衡,均势
    Abalanceis a situation in which all the different parts are equal in strength or importance.
    1. Their marriage is a delicate balance between traditional and contemporary values...
    2. There was no other way to ensure that people would get the right balance of foods.
    3. ...the ecological balance of the forest.
  • N-SING (尤指冲突或比赛中的)局面,胜利天平
    If you say thatthe balancetips in your favour, you start winning or succeeding, especially in a conflict or contest.
    1. ...a powerful new gun which could tip the balance of the war in their favour...
    2. The balance continues to swing away from final examinations to continuous assessment.
  • VERB 权衡;对比;斟酌
    If youbalanceone thingagainstanother, you consider its importance in relation to the other one.
    1. She carefully tried to balance religious sensitivities against democratic freedom.
  • VERB 使(预算、经济等)平衡
    If someonebalancestheir budget or if a governmentbalancesthe economy of a country, they make sure that the amount of money that is spent is not greater than the amount that is received.
    1. He balanced his budgets by rigid control over public expenditure.
  • V-ERG 结算(账目);(使)收支相等
    If youbalanceyour books or make thembalance, you prove by calculation that the amount of money you have received is equal to the amount that you have spent.
    1. ...teaching them to balance the books...
    2. To make the books balance, spending must fall and taxes must rise.
  • N-COUNT (银行账户的)余额,余数,结存
    Thebalancein your bank account is the amount of money you have in it.
    1. I'd like to check the balance in my account please.
  • N-SING (钱款的)剩余部分
    Thebalanceof an amount of money is what remains to be paid for something or what remains when part of the amount has been spent.
    1. They were due to pay the balance on delivery.
  • See also:bank balance
  • PHRASE 悬而未决;待定
    If something hangsin the balance, it is uncertain whether it will happen or continue.
    1. The fate of a project which could revolutionise the use of computers in hospitals hangs in the balance.
  • PHRASE 保持/失去平衡
    If youkeepyourbalance, for example when standing in a moving vehicle, you remain steady and do not fall over. If youloseyourbalance, you become unsteady and fall over.
    1. She was holding onto the rail to keep her balance...
    2. He swung around, almost losing his balance.
  • PHRASE (身体)失去平衡,几近跌倒
    If you areoff balance, you are in an unsteady position and about to fall.
    1. A gust of wind knocked him off balance and he fell face down in the mud.
  • PHRASE 惊慌失措;迷惑不解
    If you are thrownoff balanceby something, you are surprised or confused by it.
    1. She was trying to behave as if his visit hadn't thrown her off balance.
  • PHRASE 权衡之后;全面考虑之后;总的来说
    You can sayon balanceto indicate that you are stating an opinion after considering all the relevant facts or arguments.
    1. On balance he agreed with Christine.
