

英 [ˈæŋkəz]

美 [ˈæŋkərz]

n.  锚; 给以安全感的人(或物); 精神支柱; 顶梁柱
v.  抛锚; 下锚; 使固定; 扣牢; 系牢; 使扎根; 使基于


  • Ananchoris a heavy hooked object that is dropped from a boat into the water at the end of a chain in order to make the boat stay in one place.
    1. V-ERG 抛锚;使停泊
      When a boatanchorsor when youanchorit, its anchor is dropped into the water in order to make it stay in one place.
      1. We could anchor off the pier...
      2. They anchored the boat.
    2. VERB 把…系住;使稳住;使固定
      If youanchoran object somewhere, you fix it to something to prevent it moving from that place.
      1. The roots anchor the plant in the earth...
      2. The child seat belt was not properly anchored to the car.
    3. N-COUNT 固定桩;系缚物;支柱;靠山
      If one thing is theanchor forsomething else, it makes that thing stable and secure.
      1. He provided an emotional anchor for her...
      2. He remains the anchor of the country's fragile political balance.
    4. VERB 与…有紧密联系;使扎根;使固守
      If somethingis anchored insomething ortosomething, it has strong links with it.
      1. A united Germany must be firmly anchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable...
      2. His basic outlook remains anchored in the liberal tradition.
    5. VERB 主持(电视或电台节目,尤指新闻节目)
      The person whoanchorsa television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it and acts as a link between interviews and reports which come from other places or studios.
      1. Viewers saw him anchoring a five-minute summary of regional news.
      2. ...a series of cassettes on the Vietnam War, anchored by Mr. Cronkite.
    6. N-COUNT (尤指新闻节目的)电(视)台节目主持人
      Theanchoron a television or radio programme, especially a news programme, is the person who presents it.
      1. He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast.
    7. PHRASE (船)抛着锚,停泊着
      If a boat isat anchor, it is floating in a particular place and is prevented from moving by its anchor.
      1. Sailing boats lay at anchor in the narrow waterway.
    8. PHRASE 抛锚;下锚
      When the people on a boatdrop anchororcast anchor, they drop the boat's anchor into the water in order to prevent the boat from moving.
      1. We dropped anchor in a sheltered spot.
    9. 起锚;启航
      When the people on a boatweigh anchororup anchor, they pull the anchor of the boat out of the water so that they can sail away.


      • But by loosening the grip that anchors and editors used to have, it places greater demands on the readers and viewers themselves.
      • At this stage, you can verify if the text inside the anchors corresponds to the expected string.
      • Life anchors are often people* someone you can trust.
      • Once this happens, you have an organ in your body that maintains and anchors your entire immune system.
      • "Four anchors with Bolts and washers, per enclosure"
      • Laura Bush's speech at the Republican National Convention next Tuesday anchors an evening schedule aimed at female voters.
      • Available anchors for FRP tendon mainly contain two types: wedge-type anchorage and bond-type anchorage.
      • A scheme to treat discontinuities and bolts as well as anchors has been put forward for the geotechnical engineering structures, too.
      • The research results can provide a theory foundation for friction structure design of anchors of Runyang Suspension Bridge.
      • This arrangement displays the locations of the guests at a luncheon for television anchors.